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Everything posted by inspire

  1. Can anyone pls let me know is it possible to lay RG59 underground, expose to moisture? If cannot, pls let me know what is the alternative way of doing it.......Thanks.
  2. Anyone knows how to configure FTP for AVTech AVC760.Thanks.
  3. Goto Download 3G/GPRS software Install in your phone Configure setting Done!!
  4. I'm using AVC760 & it has all the PTZ functions built in, except auto scan features. Control via RS485 protocol.
  5. Pls refer to topic "Using dialup to access..." posted by asoy. Solution is there.Thanks.
  6. Pls refer to topic " Using dial-up to access...." posted by asoy Solution is there.
  7. inspire

    3g viewing

    AVC760. Tested, very good.
  8. Firstly, set up your dvr accordingly. 1. Choose Static IP -enter an IP for dvr -enter gateway IP (router ip) -choose Port 90 2. Configure your router - Port forwarding 90-99 - setup dyndns hostname, username & p/w. - configure your broadband(adsl) setting as well. 3. Access frm internet via IE 4. May access frm your 3G handset as well
  9. Dial up line? Not enough bandwidth.Must have broadband. AVC760 has built in DDNS or you may use a router with build in DDNS features. After setting up everything correctly, you may access your camera via 3G handset or internet explorer remotely.
  10. Can any one pls let me know is it possible to run 4 cameras (4-pairs) with CAT5 cable? Will it cause any inteference? How about installing the power cable together with the CAT5 (paralle) cable ? Thanks.