I know you all must be thinking ironhead... but here is another basic question, for all of you that have an extra moment or two...
As a salesperson, I want to present my product quickly and effectively on the first appointment. I'm planning on setting up a 4 camera system at my home. I'm thinking a cluster of cameras that point in the same general direction. Each camera is of the same quality but different in utility. 2 are day/night each with different lenses, 2 are IR with different # of CCD's.
First question is, will the cameras interfere with each other? Will, what the I/R camera does to get it's picture, at the same time as the day/night camera is doing it's thing to get its picture, change the results of the scene captured on video, from a lighting standpoint?
If not, then I want to be able to access the cameras from a client site. I want to access their internet connection to show them the remote capabilities of the software. I want to show differences in captured video, and I want to show live feeds from each camera.
To do this, can I plug into their internet connection (if they don't have wireless) and not have to manually select the connection parameters? And more importantly, when I reconnect them, will I have to do any reconfiguration. I'm thinking its all automatic, but I want to make sure.
Finally, could I download a scene to my laptop, and show the customer how he could remotely grab his video files and burn them to a CD?
Would I have to have a static IP address at home, to ensure connection?
Thanks again!