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Everything posted by GIGI

  1. I have a BT2700HGV connected to my computer at work and the camera/dvr is connected into port 4 of that (through an adaper as 6 other pcs connected). I have a dynamic ip address (changes if router switched off) I have set up host account with dyn and pointed it to current modem address. I have logged onto BT home account page and selected my camera/dvd in the firewall section I have added 3 user defined allowable applications for this tcp 80 to 80 tcp 34567 to 34567 (as per website postforward instructions) tcp 9000 to 9000 On dvr/camera set up I have said up network as STATIC Web PORT 80 media PORT 9000 IP ADDRESS =- as local ip address for camera/dvr (NB I can access camera screens on all shop computers) submask as per gateway and dns addresses are same address as router ddns set up as open and all dyn details entered as set up on dyn. when I try to access at home I get to camera log on screen but get login fail I have searched the forums and followed every bit of advice given but am obviously missing out on something? can someone please help, I am feeling totally frazzled and completely stuck now. Many thanks in advance.