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Everything posted by jalves113

  1. jalves113

    Swann DVR problems

    I would like to personally thank you all that have tried to assist me, the DVR has continued to work until yesterday. There was a power surge to the house, then the unit stopped working again, I have a surge protection (multistrip) connected to it, but now the unit failed to restart again, made several attempts to unplug and replug, all unsuccessful. I have noticed that the Green light for the unit turns on but the red light for the HDD turns on at initial, but turns off 5 seconds after I am considering of changing out the dvr to another 9 channel unit are there any suggestions? I have 8 cameras hard wired to the dvr
  2. jalves113

    Swann DVR problems

    Hello, I have a Swann DVR problem, the model is a SWDVR-94200H, the unit hasn't functioned for the past week, upon trying to restart the unit (unplug, wait 10 seconds, re-plug) the unit would show the "Welcome Screen" 3 seconds later the screen would "Go Blank", no picture, no remote access, no mouse control function, not even the computer remote view works, although the camera feed is working (attached alternate video receiver, cameras operational). Asking several options, would the DVR, operate normally (in a view only) mode if I remove the Hard Drive? assuming the hard drive is the only cause of the system failure, eventually changing the hard drive when conveniently possible Or would it be better to just "dump" the Swann DVR and replace it with another type of CCTV DVR. Alternate Model Suggested?
  3. jalves113

    Swann DVR problems

    Any type of brand suggested? the unit has a 1TB, can I use a Solid State Drive? Where can I find a CCTV type Hard Drive?