I have similar problem,with my airlive od2025-HD and NVR from hikivision,
I was able to connect airlive camera to nvr by onvif and it was working okay,
I was adding more ip cameras do this nvr making some changes and
now there in no 1080p steram from airlive but some low qualty looks like 640x360,
dont know why? there is no way to change some onvif parameters at airlive cameras,
wher Im trygin to add camera no by onvif but by rtsp stream
as main stream
and sub stream
at nvr connected to moniotr is evertything okay I can see 1080p stream, but when Im trying to connect by web to nvr there is a problem
"no live view'
when Im trying to see records from this camera its black, from another cameras is okay,
if any of you had a similar problem?
how to get the airlive cameras to work with hikivision NVR ?
and one more question maby some of u know if airlive cameras has working http stream not rtsp,
I need it to work with inteligent house system http://www.fibaro.com/
I solved the problem, quite by accident, to manage the image resolution ONVIF in the main stream should do this program IVMS client, that is the only one way !