I've just spent about 2 hours trying various things. My firmware load via web interface failed, and camera came up with 404 Not found page. After reboot, it did not come up at all.
I monitor with Wireshark and I see it set IP as and it look for It also tries to pull files from TFTP server:
I am just guessing here, but I try to put, inside failed.txt:
uenvcmdx=env set ipaddr; env set serverip; tftp ???? upgrade.img
uenvcmd=run uenvcmdx
But I don't know the address to put in ???? - to load the whole BIN file with all the images inside it. And I don't know if I have all the right commands - or if that is even what failed.txt is for.
I run a tftp server, of couse, and I put the file /var/lib/tftpboot. The camera fetches the file every 5 minutes, but as yet I can't get it to run tftp server so I can put upgrade firmware.
Has anybody tried this method?