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  1. wiseye

    H.264 DVR Instructional Help?

    Thanks for the reply, I've checked the manual, all it says is menu/record/recording config and when get there I can see channel: 1 length:60 min redundancy: unchecked prerecord: 5 sec Mode: schedule week: wed period 1: 00:00 - 24:00 and then the boxes of Regular, detect and alarm are checked next to period 1 Period 2, period 3, and period 4 have their boxes unchecked. Here's the same manual if anyone is interested in having a look. http://www.ukcctvsystems.co.uk/fileuploader/download/download/?d=0&file=custom%2Fupload%2FFile-1357161076.pdf
  2. wiseye

    H.264 DVR Instructional Help?

    It's strange that no one has seen this type of DVR on the entire cctvforum
  3. Hi, I have a Digital Video H.264 DVR, that I have set up with one Camera on Channel 1. By default it is continuously recording on a 24 hour basis, eg; it starts from midnight at 00:00 till 23:59 then starts a new recording, so anything older than a day is erased. The video is divided into 60 minutes segments. The manual is of no help and here's what i would like to know: 1. Can I set it up so that it only erases older videos when the HD is full. 2. Is it possible to start recording only when motion is detected and how? 3. Is it possible to keep recording continuously on 1 channel and record motion detection video on another channel using the same camera. Here's what my interface looks like.