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  1. I know it is a little late for your post, but this low cost approach is what I designed my ReelCam Video Surveillance system (reelcam.blogspot.com) for. It uses webcams, and mobile devices as video cameras. You can use a low end Windows PC as the DVR. It doesn't work directly with IP cameras, but using the virtual webcam driver like Manycam, could possibly bridge the two together.
  2. I recently released software apps that turn your spare mobile devices into surveillance cameras. It has motion and sound detection, and email alert capabilities. The system needs a Windows PC to work as a DVR. Because mobile devices don't have large image sensors like the dedicated surveillance cameras, I wonder if there is much interest in such a system. But since I already created the apps to sell to law enforcement for covert operations, I decided it would be fun to add in motion/sound detection and target the home security market. This is a new market for me. So any advice or suggestions on what to aim for would be appreciated. ReelCam Developer Disclaimer: I'm a software guy, not very business savvy.
  3. reelportal

    interview rooms

    I have made a software system for law enforcement, that uses 3G/4G, as well as WiFi, on an Android phone to stream live video/audio to a Windows server to view/record. Basically, there's 3 pieces of software: client app on Android, Windows server software, controller app on Android or PC. Currently I have a few law enforcement agencies using this system for covert operations in the field. It's designed to record evidence, so meets the "chain of custody" requirement as designed (I worked closely with a LEO contact). Is that the sort of thing you're looking for?
  4. reelportal

    3G Mobile DVR - Is there anything out there?

    I have made a software system for law enforcement, that uses 3G/4G on an Android phone to stream live video/audio to a remote server to view/record. Basically, there's 3 pieces of software: client app on Android, Windows server software, controller app on Android or PC. Is that the sort of thing you're looking for?
  5. Hello All, I've recently converted my 6-person video conference mobile app (Android, iOS, etc) into a 1-way video surveillance app for security monitoring. It took me many tries to come up with a user interface for the conference app, so I'm still using it for the surveillance app. But it just doesn't feel right for this app. I'm looking for suggestions to create a new user interface. If you were to create one, what would it look like? Sample pictures would really help. I would prefer a universal one, that would work for Windows PC, tablets, and mobile phones. These are snapshots of what my current UI look like (don't laugh): http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8Wu1oqotDCQ/VDLDWgaWHoI/AAAAAAAAAHA/xFsAvQXNVHE/s1600/reelcamControlDefault2.png http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8J2DUfUYJEM/VCAz4vgYsvI/AAAAAAAAAGo/DYMBFdLDzPQ/s1600/reelcamControl.png Thanks, ReelCam Developer