ok it's midnight for me and the subleasor to the subleased subleased has a live band illegally cranked up again for the first time in 4 months.
I thought I was armed to record audio with 4 individual microphones run along my 30 foot wide garden wall, then to a 4 channel mixer that feeds to my dvr (all analog) to record whats needed to get this dive shut down for good.
Using the cheap with these slightly exposed to the elements but under a sill, so it takes strong directional rain to get it wet-
and others-
I have recessed in the wall and partially covered with cut kitchen funnel that also protects from the elements.
All works great for 6 months or so, then... I can't record audio this eve...
So 2 years after last post any reviews on http://www.cctvcamerapros.com/Audio-Sur ... ctv-02.htm ?
Other suggestions?
I will troubleshoot and hoppfully get 1 of 4 to work in the AM, but i'm looking for something more reliable and I can modify to keep extra dry...