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  1. Hi, I'm in the middle of nowhere and finaly, the computer into I have to install the GV1120 is a Vista 64 bits (I've been told it was XP 32). Nice. So I have the drivers 833 for 32 bits and it does not work of course... What can I do, can I download 64 bits softwares and if yes... where???!! Cheers SM
  2. Hi, Thank you for your answers. I would like to record a TV signal (ie: CNN) at 1 image/second straight in JPEG files (NTSC format, not small one)... I was searching something for a long time but Ive found nothing yet! Do you know what kind of stanalone DVR or DVR card is able to do that? Thank you very much,
  3. Hi, I would like to know which card allows me to record only 1 image/second with motion detection? The best one I mean! Thanks, SM
  4. Hi, Thanks for your answer. I have the 4 channel one JSD-400L and yes I have an USB plug BUT I would like to make the back-up by Internet (The JPEG2000 is in another city, I cannot access to it!)... I mean get the .ajp file by Internet... Seems to be difficult. Is there a way to modify the machine to do that? After all, there is a hard disk inside, just like a PC... Thank you for the Argus, I found them on Internet. To be continued, Thanks again,
  5. Hi, Actually, I bought a DVR JPEG2000, it works good, even by remote access by Internet, but I would like to do those kind of things, does someone here has already make that? - I would like to get all the JPEG inside this .AJP file, is there a way to crack this file to extract the JPEGs??? - Is it possible to enter inside the Hard Disk by Internet to FTP back this AJP file? - and who is the manufacturer of this apparel, there is no address, no brands on mine, that s incredible!!! Thank you very much, I hope someone will help me!! SM
  6. Hi, Actually, it is not this time for a surveillance stuff but I would like to record a TV signal (i.e. CNN), 24h/day, with a FPS at 1. That means that instead of having 1 hour of footage in AVI, MPEG or whatever, I need to have 3600 JPEG (60 minutes x 60 secondes) inside a folder...accessible from a computer! Do you think I can do that with a CCTV DVR, the Samsung SSC 80 or another one? Please let me know, Thanks, SM