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Everything posted by Sarge89

  1. I have iCAMView IP Camera IP-06 Model:HCV73 (plz refer to the below pic for ref.) and I'm trying to use it through router/hub. The camera showed up in the iCAMView Utility (plz refer to the below pic for ref.) but I was unable to Launch iCAMView i.e. to see video nor I was able to open any setting from the IP shown in the utility. Now I was checking the IP configuration where I accidentally the IP setting got set to and after this the utility is not detecting the camera anymore. Any help with resetting the camera or troubleshooting would be appreciated very much. Thanks! CAMERA PICTURE FOR IDENTIFICATION OF MODEL / MAKE iCAMView UTILITY PICTURE.
  2. @shockwave199 I can't go to ip configuration as it is disabled Here's the result of this command, I think the camera is not listed here Have no past experience with Wireshark but I did remove my pc from network and plugged Camera in pc lan and nothing appeared in Wireshark - Further details will be appreciated.
  3. Thanks! I'll try that too and update this thread
  4. @Spark Don't have USB drivers; Any resource sharing or past experience with the device will be appreciated
  5. @ssnapier OK I'll try Wireshark and update you @mkkoskin Yes there's no reset button also I haven't used "arp -a" command in past, so, please elaborate the method. Thanks!
  6. @shockwave199 Thanks, I've already done that but unfortunately there's no luck with this. May be if the firmware is reinstalled then the settings will reset but I don't' know how to do it. I've already contacted the vendor but there's no response for past 02 weeks. Anyone else with knowledge of this stuff?