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Everything posted by oturva

  1. We try to use CantonK poe ip-cameras with Tvt's nvr, but there is some problem and manufaturer cant help us. Camera works only when we use external router and external 12v power, not with poe or straight connected to nvr (we are tried with cross and straight cable). Any help? Can someone recommend any good quality oem manufacturer whose poe ip-cameras work with tvt nvr? I know there is always option to change other nvr brand but i like Tvt's dvr's and nvr's quality and software too much to change it. We are also tried CantonK own nvr but it's quality is not good enough.
  2. Yes, power comes to camera and leds are on. We are changed camera to use DHCP but still no picture. Now nvr finds cameras ip address but still no picture. Everything works fine when we use external router and 12v power. Any help?
  3. Hi! Im new in this forum. Im from finland so im sorry for my littlebit poor english. I got just new HD-TVI technology cameras to test from china and now i have problem, how to aim those cameras? I have test monitor with analog & HD-SDI inputs but how about this HD-TVI? Anyone knows solution for HD-TVI aiming? I checked ebay and alibaba if i find HD-TVI test monitor but NO, there is not any test monitor with HD-TVI input... Are there any converter to HD-TVi to Analog or something? Anyone can help?