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Everything posted by bscctv

  1. Thanks for the reply. I have the same cable ISP at another network of mine (some 500m from this location) and hik remote view works fine over there. The router is different though (and much cheaper; so cheap that i got it from the ISP for free - but it works)..
  2. I have a hikvision dvr on a site (don't know exactly which model as i'm not there at the moment), properly configured (network, hik ddns etc) with ports 80, 8000, 8200 and 554 forwarded (no network, other than 1 comp and 1 dvr). Live stream works fine from all remote places except from one of my local networks under TPLINK R600VPN router. I tried with several computers from this lan with the same result, which means the only culprit can be the router. Tried to access the dvr with browsers (FF, Chrome, IE) as well as through iVMS-4200 app. .I get the interface but cam streams are not loaded. I emphasize that i am able to access the dvr from all other places (from comps as well as from android smartphones). I contacted support of the seller of the router, and they say the only thing they can think of is that i should open ports from inside to outside (i think they meant 'Port triggering'). It could be an authentication problem, where accessed server creates a new connection back to lan from which the request was issued to confirm user - password parameters, but the server doesn't know which comp from the lan to forward that request to, and thus it silently drops it (just my assumption). Does someone have idea how to configure port triggering /not forwarding on the site where the dvr is, which has been already done/. Which trigger ports to assign to what incoming ports? I tried to set 554 as trigger to 554 incoming port, but it doesn't work. Thanks a lot in advance.
  3. I've even forwarded IDENT protocol port 113 to my computer. like in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_triggering#Example to no avail..
  4. Thanks for the reply. I do have ports forwarded on the said router (for another cctv that i have on this site), but hikvision doesn't use these ports. Actually i have port 80 forwarded too but this forward is disabled. Whats more, i tried with disabling all custom settings, all forwards, router firewall, vpn.. so i set it virtually to factory default (though i didn't do hardware reset). I think port triggering might be solution, but i don't know which pair trigger/incoming port to apply.