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Everything posted by PuruMir

  1. PuruMir

    Denied access to surveillance

    I see. So after the footage is handed over to police authorities, would I be able to view it? I want to put some bounty on the thief by putting up a poster showing his face everywhere. Would that be illegal? I'm really desperate in finding this bike
  2. I live in an apartment in Australia, and my bike which is worth more than 3k aud was stolen at the bike parks located at the basement of the apartment. It was camera protected - and apparently the thief's face was caught on footage. But for some reason, my apartment security says that they cannot show me any footage. They said they will provide the video to the police, but you know, Australian police is really slow so I want to see the thief's face and get involved in finding 'my' bike. Does someone know why my apartment security denies me from surveillance? And would I ever be able to see the footage when it is handed over to the police? If not, why?