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Everything posted by looserguy

  1. looserguy

    camera image distortion

    Hi . I am new in cctv and i need your help. i have X-Core XD613 1/3-inch Sharp CCD Color Mini Dome Camera PAL and is the second camera with this image problem. The previous camera was worsit is e off and replaced. Coud you tell me what could cause this problem and if it is reversible. i attache a screenshot with the problem
  2. looserguy

    camera image distortion

    Let me inform you that there are also 4 more cameras same model in this place that work fine. Probably i go to this place the next week. The dvr card model number is nt-08120 http://www.ntic.com.tw/specification/mj_48CH.htm I hope the following pictures help. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3FoRy1AFRspZ0FzY0pJakNYcTQ/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3FoRy1AFRspV0RFRHNmNUQ4MlU/view?usp=sharing Also from a remote site i took a screenshot from a recorded video including all the cameras https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3FoRy1AFRspbFhxY2lzWUE1blk/view?pli=1.
  3. looserguy

    camera image distortion

    No. In both recording sizes the same color artifacts. I meant the main program gave me only cif option for recording. When i used main program remotely with dvr-net i was able to change to D1 option
  4. looserguy

    camera image distortion

    i fixed the link. Please try again. I couldn't get the d1 dvr option when i was using the dvr main program directly on pc with the dvr card. Yesterday i connected remotely with dvr-net and using the remote setting option i was able to change to d1 option. I asked for camera distortion because i have connected video and power cable by twisting the pairs without using plugs and concerns me that probably that is the cause. Thanks for you time
  5. looserguy

    camera image distortion

    I uploaded a 1 minute video . Please watch it on the link below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3FoRy1AFRspOVFiQU10OGFveUE/view?usp=sharing