Hi All,
I'm in a bit of a problem as I have lost and forgot the admin password to my DVR unit.
It has H.264 Digital Video Recorder written on the front of the box and in black marker pen on the bottom of the box is the number 0046 with a sticker above it also on the bottom which says RF2696.
I have tried to gain access via root as the box is running telnet but I don't know the root password I have tried xc3155 but this doesn't work.
I have also tried the following programs, SuperPassword.exe, DVR Password.exe, codecalculator_2.exe and CalculateCode.exe none of these worked, some gave letter to type in, but my box only accepts numbers as a password.
I have tried removing the battery in the hope that this would do something more than just lose the time on the box but sadly this is all it did the password still remained in effect.
The unit itself has 2 user logins that I can choose from admin and guest.
The admin account I cant do anything with as just keeps saying password error.
I can get into the unit with the guest login and no password, but this give me no rights to anything I cant playback the video from yesterday or do anything but view.
I'm a bit stuck as to what else I can try.
I've put some links to some pictures of the equipment in the hope someone has any further suggestions.
https://db.tt/lTEwD2xG - Picture of the unit.
https://db.tt/9sTbXeBM - Picture of the Pulse H1102NL chip.
https://db.tt/nuOzdeJX - Picture of the SKhynix H5T02G630FR Chip.
Thanks for any help anyone is able to give me.