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Everything posted by n1tnguy

  1. Howdy everyone, I thought this camera business would be pretty easy. After ordering a relatively cheap camera on Amazon I tried to set it up. It didn't work. I returned it thinking perhaps that the camera itself was faulty. Turns out, the entire camera line and firmware for this company is very poor. So now here I am, I want to know who has not been picking up after their dog in my front yard. I consider myself pretty tech savvy, I have a decent desktop which I can record the video on. At first I was thinking to record video of the entire day while I'm at work but I think that may be quite an inefficient use of resources. I don't really want to use cloud services because I have my own storage right at home. Every camera has mixed reviews and I'm not sure what to believe. What do you guys think? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. The camera has to be inside because the HOA doesn't allow outdoor cameras... I know. I'll clean the window extra well! The zone that I need to record is no more than 20 feet from the house, it's not far. All I need to record is the breed of the dog, that is sufficient enough to identify the owner.
  3. Indoors, it will be on a window sill.