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Everything posted by netwrkjunky

  1. Hello Everyone, I'm relatively new on this site and thought I might join to learn more about the field of video surveillance. To share a bit about myself, I have been managing small C-stores for the past 6 years and have built a few DVR Systems using old DiViS DVR Software for 32 channel analog DVR systems. The company I am with now has been using this software for the past 15 years so it was something I inherited. However, from what I hear, it's one of the most outdated PC Based DVR Systems out there. In any event, I will be building a new PC Based DVR for a new location, and thought I might hear it from the experts on an alternative brand that might better suit my needs. Basically I'm looking to build a 32 channel system, with 2 TV outs, that can offer an easy to use interface both at the location and remotely. In addition, I will mostly be using analog cameras with the exception, if possible, to use higher quality cameras on my registers and entrance. Currently I have been using the DIVIS Live Cap 32 channel boards for my DVRs and I'm not particularly happy with the recorded video quality. The pictures are so blurry that you can't even make out facial features when printing images nor can you tell what $ bill a cashier is holding when opening the register. Current Cards I've been using: https://divisdvr.com/products/dvr-board/livcap/240n32.html I hope this is enough information, please let me know if theres any other questions! Thank you and I appreciate any tips and advice! Also my price range is under $900 for the DVR Card. I have already purchased most of the PC components. -Amar