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Everything posted by rspark

  1. rspark

    Snapshots stopped working

    No was there yesterday and never thought to look.
  2. Hi All, I'm a sparky working on a job with cctv system, had to have the power off for most of the day the other day and on turning the power back on the cameras are all functioning correctly but the snapshots it had previously stored are no longer there. The system is designed to take a snapshot of anyone captured on the cameras after a certain time of day and store them should they need to be referenced. Previously any stored images were kept on the side of the screen but now the screen only has the live images. What I'm wondering is how to get them back, is it a case of going through the admin menu and reselecting them or is it something else? Hoping to get them back for the customer as they don't know how to do it either, system was installed by specialist company and next step will be to contact them if we can't sort ourselves. Many thanks in advance for anyone who can offer advice as I am at novice level for cctv. Cheers.
  3. rspark

    Snapshots stopped working

    I should add for clarity, we are the sparkys and we are working on the electrical side of things, the cctv is standalone and nothing to do with us apart from the supply feeding it.