I'm having a heck of a time trying to set up one of many WJ-HD316A DVR's to auto delete video after 30 days.
Many of the DVR's have several months of video on them. What I'm trying to do is set them up to auto delete after 30 days.
I have found the settings fine, Everything seems to be operating properly, but the video is not being deleted.
Any ideas?
First I set the video to auto delete after 30 days.
When I noticed that months of video are still available, I attempted to manually delete the video that was recorded before 30 days ago.
This did not delete the video and I am still able to access video from months ago.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Also - I should mention that I'm doing all of this remotely through IE logged in as ADMIN (if that makes a difference)
I've recently been thrown into a role which involves administering a few cameras and DVR's. I've used the forum on a few occasions for information and thought I'd join and try to contribute whenever I can.
Currently all of our hardware is analogue Panasonic.
We are currently in the process of doing a complete overhaul moving to a digital system.
I look forward to participating in the forum!