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Everything posted by K4KMG

  1. Thought this would be easy. Apparently not. I need to access the hard drive of the 7604 nvr with my win7 laptop. There is no internet/router involved. Simply want to connect both Ethernet ports, (laptop to nvr), and then access saved nvr recordings from hd in the nvr. Is this even possible? If so, how do I go about setting it up? (assume very little networking knowledge here) Using IVMS-4200, I know I can plug usb stick into nvr and dump recordings to the stick, but this is difficult as the nvr is hidden. Easier to just stash a cat 5 cable to plug in the laptop when needed instead of pulling the whole setup out into the open. Any help appreciated. Thanks Tom
  2. Naw, I got it. I just misspoke. Thanks to abdelm01's post above, i figured out the ethernet connection and logged in via laptop. My nvr is in a remote location so I wont be able to access it until next weekend. I'll check this then: "and download recordings on the laptop HD"
  3. Are you trying to access the Playback Video files on it? If so go to Playback Tab. Thanks, but no. Want to be able to access the nvr hd 'directly' via ethernet port on nvr with laptop. As it stands now, with IVMS4200, the only way to get files off the hd is via the usb port. When your nvr is hidden, it's a pain to remove it from it's hiding place just to stick a thumb drive into the port. Then you have to remove the stick and plug into a laptop to access the files. PITA when you should just be able to plug laptop to ethernet port of nvr and access the files quickly/easily. Also, no way to delete files off the hd. So eventually I'll have a 2T hd that's full and new files are overwriting older. I have found somewhat of a solution by extending a cable from the usb port that is accessible yet still hidden. Still somewhat of a pain though as you still have to then remove stick and transfer to another comp.
  4. Is there no way to directly access the HIK 7604 nvr hd via a laptop? It seems stupid that I can't delete files from the hd when they aren't needed. Do I just have to let a 2T hd fill up and let newer recordings overwrite old?
  5. Got it. Thanks. Not sure how, but it's working. This still doesn't give me access to the files on the hd. Any ideas on this?
  6. Thanks. Did exactly as you stated. Still no access. Yes, nvr is default