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Everything posted by luckyghost

  1. Hello Guys, Currently at my home running with Xiaomi wireless Camera x 2, Dahua Camera x 2 , Imou wireless Camera x 3 , ACTI camera x 2 and I have a Xiaomi Smart Home with some wireless PIR & door sensor Act as home alarm system. The problem is - CCTV even Dahua NVR or Imou Apps Smart alert only allow you select by period schedule to do trigger to your phone (which alot of time is incorrect , because we doesn't have fix time period) a) the only time maybe is sleeping time (1am-5am) , if I configure alert trigger base on this period , Day time CCTV won't alert I was thinking whether possible to do integration between Xiaomi Smart Home Arm or DisArm integrate with Dahua / Imou or others system , Objective is during Alarm Arm mode only to do push notification I'm not sure possible to use Home Assistant to close the gap
  2. Dear all Sifu, I'm still new in this industry, I'm was designing a new setup for my corporate office however one of my management require which is require to full live view for all camera , project all 180 camera in the operation office. My management expectation is -Make sure live view is smooths (i believe require 25 frame rate per sec) -Live view all 180 cameras ( after i study Live view will consume a lot of PC resources) -Recording 30 days (i think is ok for all vendor NVR) Question 1 1)Base on you all sifu experience , do you think 180 Camera - Combine into 1 Recording NVR + 1 Live View Server (What CPU spec require ? i think require double CPU??? ) -OR break into 4 set (Recoding NVR + 1 Live Server) each set handle 45 camera recording and live view (What CPU spec require ? consumer i7 it is good enough?) anything need to take note more ? Camera and NVR i planning to use ACTI however I'm worry on the display LIVE View part.
  3. Bandwidth of networks ? Just to clarify is the bandwidth of networks is for Networks Recording Server Or Display Server ? I will propose Gigabits networks switch. do you think is enough ? Quality of recording Video - if i propose 2 set (NVR + Display Server) each set cater 90 camera . (e.g: 8 mega bits per second * 90 cameras = 720 Mega bits per second, i think 1 network port able to handle the load right ? Display port - I think no issue on this part, Display Server usually i will use on board graphic card usually will come with 2 or 3 display port (HDMI/DVI/VGA) is enough for me
  4. If you will be using all acti, why dont you call them and see what they say? Dear Sir, i don't call them because i don't wish to stick with one vendor and i hope i can understand myself first and finalize the design first. do you able to advise?
  5. ------ Thanks - makes sense ...didnt know about Doorbot, and found another SkyBel. Nice concepts, but reviews look iffy, a lot say not working well ... will research more! Hi I'm chuan here, just want to check with you , did you bough the wireless door bell ? I'm planning to buy as well but i check a lot of review say that not so stable but the last update i notice is on Jun 2014, not sure now what is the quality... please share