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Everything posted by PlumbBum

  1. Hiya all. Today, I have purchased this camera: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00QPUA2BG?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00 I was wondering whether anybody could hazard a guess at what (appears to be a button) does. I have drawn an arrow below: The top lead input looks like the power connector. The second is the one I am questioning, and the third is the RJ45 connector. Secondly, as somebody who has no experience in CCTV, I was wondering whether you could judge the length of that cable connected to the camera. Simply because I'm going to need to put them through a wall, and hopefully they're long enough to go through the wall so I can make the connections internally. I look forward to your response. These forums look quite interesting so I will continue to browse. All the best, Daniel
  2. I have already found the answer to my first question. My apologies. It is a 'reset' button.