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Everything posted by fredrickthedog

  1. i have a model SN-6408CW Sinocam by Szsinocam. it is a basic outdoor barrel type camera with two leads eminating from the base. One for the power and the other for comms. Long story short, at many hours, i could get the camera to work( i think) locally and over the the dvripc. net server. i should have quit then. when i tried to tie in my iphone, thats when i got into trouble. Th Smart HD user agent recommended by Sinocam would not connect. Kept timing out. So i researched the settings. I believe while trying to change some output ports settings in the UPNP device settings (one was reporting not working), i immediately lost communications. i cant get it back. When i connect directly to the camera (no router) the network status shows packets going in, nothing leaving. i believe i set the port to 8400 or 8200. Anyway, i would like to go back to factory settings, through a hardware reset line since i cannot access the device. The only Sinocam literature i found on the subject was : Basic functions One-key reset, password protection, watermark technology Don't know what one-key reset means. So if anyone can help with my resetting the device either through a reset line or the One-Key, i would be much obliged thank you Rick