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Everything posted by blue

  1. I am a complete newbie to security cameras and could really use some advice. We have a small family business in a rural area which has a large rear parking lot which is not really visible from the street. A couple of days ago I pulled into the rear lot to find a body hanging from a tree. Suicide, but things found in his car indicate that he was involved in some kind of illicit activities. We've suspected for a while that our lot has become a known spot for drug dealing, etc. and I want something that I can put in a window to record what is going on back there at night. Ideally it would send images over the network and I could save them to a computer on site or from my home, even more ideally I could tap into a live feed to alert the police if I see something going on at night. The lot has a flood light on a pole near the entrance but the far corners are still fairly dark, not completely but I would consider them "low light". The area of concern is about 150' to 175' away from the window where the camera will be sitting (in an attic window on the third story). Can anybody suggest a camera which would be capable of recording at this distance in relatively low light conditions? I have read that IR for full night vision will glare off of the window but I don't know if IR will work at that range anyways... if absolutely necessary I could mount it outside but would strongly prefer indoor. My budget is super tight, I would say about $100 to $200. At a minimum I just need to be able to tell that there are cars back there and see generally what they are doing. In summary: - Long range low light image (150-175') - Single large flood light outside of camera view - Network capable (wired or wireless... I can run power and ethernet to the camera location as needed) - Ability to save to remote computer instead of a dedicated DVR (I'm a techie so if there is scripting or something involved to get that working I can probably manage) - Notification of activity would be a huge plus - Budget: ~$100-$200 - Not concerned about frame rate, only mildly concerned about image quality (clear would be nice, just being able to tell what's happening is all I really need) - Viewing angle is not that important, it could be fairly narrow at the distance that I'm interested in (I would guess about 30-45 degrees) Any help is greatly appreciated!