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Everything posted by sue

  1. Anyone have any experience with this unit?
  2. Don't you have a CD? How did you get it on the hd in the first place?
  3. I won one of these on ebay, and it's missing a couple of pieces and has a clear bubble with quite a few scratches, a couple of them deep. First question, anyone know if there's any way to rub out those scratches? Secondly, the mounting bracket that attaches to the house was missing. Since the shipping box was damaged, it could have fallen out of the hole in the side. Any idea where I can get one of those for an RHOSW? I'm also missing a couple of foam plugs to keep the moisture out. Any idea what I can substitute with or get more foam plugs? Thanks! Sue
  4. Ah, yes, like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Meguiars-PlastX-Clear-Plastic-Cleaner-Polish-g12310_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ63702QQihZ001QQitemZ110022360876QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V Thanks. I don't know if American Dynamics sells anything directly to the public, but I'll check their website.
  5. Rory, I'll have a look at the GE Cyberdome. I'm always looking. Thanks. Yes, American Dynamics' protocol is published. I can control all of my speeddomes from work. Great fun. Great cameras.
  6. I really like the Sensormatic Speeddomes. I have 3 of them. Anyone else used these?
  7. RS-232 with published protocol so that I can write VB software to control it over the Internet.
  8. sue


    Hi everyone, long time no post. It's been about 3 years now, and I have some experience under my belt with all different kinds of cameras, and I've used a couple of PC based DVR cards, but still not a Geovision. I'm getting ready to try one now. It appears that Geovision cards will not work in AMD based systems, is that correct? Also, I've learned that my company uses a proxy server that allows only http traffic to pass. Therefore, I am not able to remotely see mpg4 video over TCP/IP, only motion jpg over http. I do have a system that does that, but it will only record at 320X240, and it has a bug that makes the webserver hang if I view it remotely for too long. They don't seem to interested in fixing the problem, as they say I'm the only one that uses that option, no one else is complaining. Although I can put this card in almost any wimpy little system, and it will run with no complaints 24/7. I currently have one installed in a system with an ASUS A7M266 and an AMD XP2100 Palomino and 512 mb of ram. Having said that, I'm ready to try a Geovision card, probably the 650, but I don't have any Intel based computers in this house. It appears that I'm going to need one, right? Has anyone tried AMD? Also, I found a Geovision demo page the other day that would allow me to see motion jpg from work. So I guess I'm okay there? Thanks in advance. Sue
  9. sue


    I'm sorry, rory, which advertisers are you speaking of? Thanks, Sue
  10. sue


    Thank you for your input. I would love to see the video of the break-in! Please post it and let us know. I will try the 600 with the hardware I have. It won't cost me anything to try. Will report back. Now, is this a real Geovision card? [edit by mod-store link removed, rk]
  11. sue


    Yes, I did find that after I posted. Thanks very much! I'm going to try the Geovision in a really wimpy old system that someone gifted me. Sue
  12. sue


    Sorry, I think I mean the 600, not the 650.
  13. Can anyone suggest a good video server for under $300? I have a 4 channel DVR system with no webserver, and I can't view it from work as they block all but http. Thanks!
  14. sue

    Sensormatic SpeedDome Firmware

    Yes, that's where I was reading about it. It's not clear whether or not you can flash the camera directly, or if you need a USB adapter module. Thanks.
  15. Hello, Anyone out there ever flash the firmware on a Sensormatic SpeedDome directly from a PC? Thanks, Sue
  16. Thank you very much. Actually these LED cameras are not bad in the dark. I can see quite a bit. Daughter has moved out so no problem there. Thanks for your expert opinion. Yes, not bad for a real budget system.
  17. Hi, I'm wondering, those of you that sell DVRs to residential customers, what do you normally set the recording resolution at? Thanks, Sue
  18. It's really hard to know what camera to choose without being able to see a demo first. Anybody point me to a demo, or even just some still shots from various cameras?
  19. I think it's CCD. That's what it says anyway. Yeah, been looking at the dome cameras. I already have real PIRs here, one more would look funny. The blonde burglar with the ink is my daughter, yes. I want her to join the Navy, she's pre-tattooed.
  20. It is this one: http://www.globalsources.com/gsol/I/Color-CCD-manufacturers/p/2000000003923/3000000162544/1000040777.htm
  21. Neither one of those is me. One of them is my daughter.
  22. All burglars in Southern California are attractive.
  23. The blonde or the brunette?
  24. Thanks very much for the tips. I have a very cheap system, so I don't have much in the way of adjustments. With this system I cannot record above 320x240. I'd like you experts to look at this and see if you think that this is sufficient.....I mean for police to try and identify a burglar. Do you think better cameras would do any better? These are infrared, 420 lines, I believe. Thanks much. http://www.odoms.net/Camclips/