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Everything posted by goodolick

  1. goodolick

    Port Forwarding??

    Ok, Like I said, if your router is lacking those features, you could just add the route on the local computer instead. I gave you the commands to do it in previous posts in windows. I can give you the command for Linux or Mac if you do not have windows computers. Adding a route is not really an "advanced task" and I would be ticked if ATT gave me a router that did not have that ability. The only drawback of adding the route on a computer is you would have to do it on every computer that needs access to the cameras. If you had the ability to do it at the router, you would not need to do it on each computer. Before you order a bunch of hardware, you might want to test what I mentioned.
  2. so I got into CCTV about a month and half ago. I started with a 4 camera in a box solution, which I thought would be more than enough to do the job. Boy was I ever wrong. Within a months time I was up to 8 cameras. I did not do enough research out of the gate, and went with an analog system. After having a new roof put on my house last week, I realized the errors of my ways. Having a whole crew of roofers running around my house all day, I could barely make out faces. I have made the decision to switch to an IP based solution. Yay for more attic time! Anyway, I figured I would post the pictures of my current setup, and update the post as I replace each camera. Please feel free to comment on my current work. This is the placement of the cameras on my property, even with 8 cameras, there are plenty of blind spots to fill. Here is the DVR view Camera 1, Anran, I learned a whole lot about placement on this one the first time it rained Camera 2, GW Varifocal Camera 3, GW Varifocal Camera 4, Zosi $22 dollar amazon special... I was shocked at the quality for being so cheap Camera 5, one of the Defender cams that came with system Camera 6, another one of the Defenders Camera 7, another Defender Camera 8, another Amazon $20 special I got to replace one of the defenders that went bad All of this is going to be replaced over time. Thanks to everything I have learned from this forum, I am getting a Dahua 16 channel NVR as the first part of the replacement. Will keep this post updated when I start getting the new inventory.
  3. goodolick

    DVR system with ability to automatically upload screenshots

    Most modern DVRs that I know of have the ability to email you a screenshot. You could set up an email account locally and have a script that sends the attachements to a FTP server. If you are just concerned with having the back of the image, then the email should be fine if you use a web based email solution like gmail or yahoo. Also, i have read many stories of people drilling out cable and fan holes into a safe, and then placing their DVR in the safe and bolting it to the ground.
  4. I have seen a thread like this on another board, but, CCTV forum is 10 times more awesome than that one. I figured we could use a critters on CCTV thread. I caught this within the first couple weeks of installing my system.
  5. goodolick

    Home CCTV advice & NVR Suggestions

    Not a single bit of hard feelings. I am glad you thought of me. How could I possibly dislike a guy named Unix1992? After all, I am a linux guy and that is almost Unix Anyway, I dont want to detract from the topic too much. I am learning a lot from the board. I am glad you brought up the PC solution. I was going to buy my DVR first, but, now knowing that I can use the just camera and my computer pretty easily, I am going to get a camera first to evaluate how well it will improve my surveillance needs, that way I can be sure I am making the right choice before I start pouring serious money into my project. I still have a lot of concerns about even a 3 MP Dahua having a resolution good enough to identify faces as far out as I want. Odds are I will end up with a PTZ before I am done.
  6. goodolick

    help with camera to protect car

    I miss read your question. If you choose to use WiFi, you would not need a POE switch. You only need a POE switch if you are going to power the camera over an ethernet cable. In general, wireless camears are frown upon in the CCTV community. They are not very secure, and being that you still have to run power to them, you might as well go with a cabled solution.
  7. goodolick

    Hello To All Here At CCTV FORUMS

    Welcome to the board.
  8. check the recording schedule with in the DVR/NVR application. Lots of people have different ways they like to set it up. I myself prefer to have 24 hour recording with motion detection. It is likely your recording schedule is not setup to record 24/7
  9. goodolick

    Home CCTV advice & NVR Suggestions

    Thanks for the honorable mention Unix.... What really happened with my CCTV experience is I just plain did not do the research. I decided that I wanted CCTV, hopped on Amazon, and ordered what I thought was a great deal. The product received great ratings, so I just assumed it to be good. After getting my "all in one box" solution, I still did not do the research on IP cameras, at that point I knew I had an analog system, so when it came time to start adding new cameras, I just researched the analog ones that would be compatible with my system. After having several visitors to my house, including a roofing crew, I decided that my analog system was going to do what I wanted, which is catching the people that have been breaking into my cars and egging my house. In that regard, it has in fact served as a great deterrent, as I have not had a single problem with theft or vandalism since I installed my cameras. But, the last thing that I want to happen is to actually have something go down, and not be able to identify, I feel like that would be the case with my analog system. So I turned here for advise. Marbar2k's decision to fully research his setup puts him one step ahead of me in the game. In that regards, I do have some input for Marbar2k. I think you should do as Unix suggested, and just get a couple cameras to start with and just run them on your laptop until you can afford to buy a NVR that matches your brand of cameras. Everything that I have read on this forum has told me that is the way to go. A Hik might work fine for images on a Dahua NVR, but the motion detection is lacking. That being said, I dont think using a raspberry pi solution would be a great investment. You can get a good Dahua 8 ch NVR for right about $250 USD, it might be beneficial to save for that. One other key thing that I have learned on my CCTV journey, is that you probably think you need less cameras than you really do. I started with an 8 channel system that came with 4 cameras, when I ordered it, I figured 4 would be plenty. I have now maxed out my DVR to 8 cameras, and still do not feel like I have proper coverage, so as I make my leap to a digital system, I am going with a 16 channel NVR. I will have somewhere between 12-16 cameras by the time I am am fully satisfied, keep in mind, I started off thinking 4 was plenty to do the job. Hope this helps
  10. I have noticed a lot of people have ranks attached to their profile such as DIYer, Installer, Integrator, Dealer, etc.... I have been through the user control panel several times looking for the option to add DIYer to my profile, but do not see an option. How to?
  11. goodolick

    How do I get a rank?

    " title="Applause" /> Thanks Larry!
  12. goodolick

    Port Forwarding??

    Did you get this problem resolved?
  13. goodolick

    myq-see ddns not updating ip

    Does your DVR sit on a public IP? If not, you need to make your DDNS settings on the router, not the qsee.
  14. goodolick

    Dahua bullet mounting brackets

    Thanks Don. Hard to tell from the stock photos, I was pretty sure they could be mounted as I desired. I cant wait until I get my IP system up. Cat 6 is on the way. Should have the NVR and first couple cameras in a month or so.
  15. Are they three axis? I am considering a few Dahua bullets for my CCTV upgrade. Hard to tell from the spec sheets if they cameras have 3 axis brackets. They will all be mounted under my eave, so the configuration shown in the photos will not work.
  16. goodolick

    Anyone tried the ZOSI Tech Cameras?

    Good thing I am moving to IP cams in the next month! Hope it lasts that long
  17. goodolick

    Anyone tried the ZOSI Tech Cameras?

    I have one and the image quality is great! I was shocked.
  18. goodolick

    DVR Cloud Back-Up

    Anything is possible. Would need more info like make/model of DVR. Backing up to the cloud would also take an incredible amount of bandwidth, so unless you have an awesome internet connection it is going to be hard. Might be more practical to back up somewhere else on the local network. If you are worried about your DVR being stolen, get someone to drill out the back of the a safe for ventilation and wires and keep the DVR locked int he safe.
  19. goodolick

    My DIY Install a chronicle

    Thanks Numb-Nuts... I learned a lot as I went. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that of placement, if you look at the photos for Camera 4, you can see I have remounted it a few times. It is actually part of the reason I have 2 cameras overlooking the drive. During high sunlight hours I get some distortion from the sun coming over the vehicles. I think that in order to have the proper areas covered, I had no choice but to overlap in some areas to compensate for the sun. Aside from having some blind spots, that is the biggest reason I want to move to a 16ch system. As I upgrade to my IP system, I only intend on getting domes or bullets that mount directly under the eave, I prefer the look of ones with no exposed wires. I also really like the placement of camera 1 for the view of the structure it provides, so I am likely to keep one there, but, attach a gutter to redirect the rain water. Another part of the upgrade will include running a conduit to get camera 3 closer to eye level of the entryway. While right now, it provides the best possible chance of capturing a face based on it's FOV, it is mounted too high and half of the time I only see the top of someones head. Again, you nailed it, placement is turning out to be more and more key. Only reason I have not moved it down yet is because I want to keep the install looking clean. The floodlights tend to work in my favor on cameras 5 and 6. They are pretty bright and disable the IR on them if they are triggered. That being said, 6 looses some vision due to the porch light at night. I plan to add one at eye level at that door as well, and one facing from the opposite side of the house to get the best coverage. I really appreciate an installer that does not beat me up for installing my own system. If I had a serious crime problem in my neighborhood, I certainly would hire a professional. Being that I am the only person in my neighborhood that has CCTV, I still feel my property is safer than others (something is better than nothing). When I get my 16 channel system, I plan on getting into the practice of cameras point at cameras for redundancy. I am grateful for all the advise I have been given. I look forward to helping others on the board, and posting updates about my current project. Sorry for the long winded reply, it is just nice to get some feedback, and I want to help the community learn from what I have learned.
  20. goodolick

    Hello CCTV Forum!

    Welcome, I look forward to learning from you
  21. goodolick

    My DIY Install a chronicle

    3 of my cameras have Effio-e chips, I do not see a drastic difference between the effio ccds and the standard cmos chips. I think the only way I am going to get the clarity I want is to go to an IP based solution. By the way, I did review all of the products I purchased before I purchased them. They all received great reviews. It was not until I stumbled upon this board I was made aware of there even being a difference between analog and digital cctv cameras. CCTV has become a very fun hobby for me, I am not interested in hiring a professional. I enjoy learning.
  22. goodolick


    more than likley a config issue on the new router, but, glad you got it fixed. I always make my ISP give me clean external IP and prefer to use my own router, rather than the POS built into the modem.
  23. I am pretty sure there was not default password on my Defender DVR when I got it. In any case, their support is pretty good via chat, I would try to chat with them between 9-5 Eastern Standard Time Mon-Fri
  24. goodolick

    Port Forwarding??

    I just noticed an error in my screenshot.... you want to use a netmask of not You only want host routes, that way if you do have anything on a separate 10 net, it would not route to the Flir Again, if you cant find the settings on your router, it would be possible to add the route to each computer. If you are worried about breaking anything on your router, you can test my theory on a Windows computer. (this is assuming the Windows computer you are working from is, the router is, the Flir is, and the camera behind the Flir POE port is, substitute IPs where needed) from a cmd prompt, enter the following command route add mask metric 2 if it works YAY! problem solved, add routes to each computer, or one to your router if possible if it does not work or causes other network issues, reboot the computer and the route goes away. if it does work, and you want it to survive a reboot, try adding the route with the -p flag route add -p mask metric 2 Let me know if that fixes you up!