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Everything posted by D4v3

  1. I've been trying to do this for a couple days now. For port forwarding, do I port forward the TCP and UDP ranges that are in the main menu in my DVR? I use the IP address that it gives me, too. When I did that, nothing changed. I still couldn't connect remotely. Also, it never asks me to download anything. I tried to allow everything in ActiveX and I still did not get a prompt to download what is needed. Nothing even comes up when I try to connect locally, it's just a blank, white page. I can only view my cameras when I hook up a monitor directly to my DVR. I'm trying to connect over the web using ipolis. EDIT: I tried to open it up on another computer on the same network and it worked. The problem may be that I'm using Windows 8, because the other computer is Windows Vista. Is there a compatibility problem? EDIT 2: I fixed it myself, all I had to do was view in compatibility mode for Internet Explorer.