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  1. Hach69

    image help

    Problem solved....! Changed a setting from PAL to NTSC....
  2. Hach69

    image help

    Thanks, will have look into that later today after work. Atm out of 4 cams this one is the only bubble cam indoors, could be a setting, although when ive connected a second bubble cam to test, I dont thinkI had the same prob. I also swapped this cam and tried another, same thing happened. As I say I will look more into some settings later. Thanks.
  3. Hach69

    image help

    Hi, i'm new here and was hoping someone could shed some light on why i have this problem..?(see pic) Searched everywhere but cant find any answer anywhere.. For some reason on one of my cameras there is an extra bit showing that is part of one of the other cameras. One of the cams is outside and the other is inside.