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  1. its using static IP. firewall isn't on too And you have EVERYTHING set up the same? Static internal, static external, forwarded port 80 to the internal IP within the router setup? yes
  2. its using static IP. firewall isn't on too
  3. anyone managed to solve this problem?
  4. hi, anyone knows how to sound an alert when motion is detected for diginet dvr software?
  5. I just installed a KMC-4400R DVR with DigiNet software on my windows XP PC. The motion capturing is very slow and it hangs most of the time resulting in some images not being captured instantly. How to resolve this? thanks
  6. if I see horizontal lines with distortion on the screen does it means that my power supply is faulty?
  7. how do i know if it is pirated card or not?
  8. Why the problem does not happen when i only have 2 cameras?
  9. i tried connecting the camera directly to DVR same problem. i am running it on P4 1.8GHZ with 1GB RAM
  10. i tried with different DVR settings same problem. how do i enhance the signal for BNC cable?
  11. I tried with another BNC cable the motion detection screen freezes too. I am think if that could be due to DVR card problem now any idea how to confirm that?
  12. what does Low signal means? bnc wire is bad? could it due to PC or DVR card too?
  13. I am using kodicom 416 card connecting to 4 cameras using motion detect turned on. When there is an activity detect on 1 of the cameras, the camera screen freezes for few seconds and sometimes does not even capture the activity. This problem does not happen when I am only using 2 cameras. What could be wrong?
  14. cycop

    DVR alarm

    i am using Kodicom card and dignet