You need to enter external_IP:1111
You have to change the HTTP port in your DVR and you have to forward the 1111 in your Modem. If it still not works try the following since some modems hate it that the device itself has a static IP.
Log in to your dvr using the tv interface, go to networ settings. Check the DHCP box, so the DVR got an IP from your modem. Exit the settings. Then go again to your network settings on your dvr. Look up the internal IP address: 192.168.1.XXX. Change in the network setting the HTTP port to 1111.
Log in to your modem interface and forward the HTTP port and the other ports (used for the video) using the new internal IP address.
To access your DVR on your internal network:
To access your DVR on your external network:
thanks mate,
it seems the modem/router is faulty
i added my old router lan to lan and now it works fine
wierd .....