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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. My wife asked what I would like to have for my birthday. This is what I showed my sweetie what I wanted. https://webvia.techni-tool.com/VIA/Res/Catalog108/312_TTL_Cat108.p1.pdf This would really be nice! I want the one with the cabinet. I love the way the ladder is stored!!!!!
  2. scorpion

    My Birthday present.

    Only 3000 miles???? I wonder what shape the Flux Capacitor is in, and if it can maintain 1.9 JigaWatts????? LOL
  3. scorpion

    discrete cameras

    At the time I did not think of it, but know in hind site I wish I had taken some photos of a job I did for a PI. I actually took one of those fake rubber dog "crap" and I put a box in the ground with all of the equipment, and I had a camera looking out of a hole in the rubber crap. This has got to be the funniest install I have ever done!!!!!! I thought my job was going to crap but little did I know! The next time you are going through a dogs "mine" field, watch where you step! I would not want you to break one my cameras!
  4. scorpion

    discrete cameras

    I sent you a PM, I hope this helps!
  5. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=8333&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30&sid=75563836f12c891af78acae6b0adee78
  6. Wow! Deja vue like I have read this post before....... LOL
  7. scorpion

    My Birthday present.

    I think I am going to put some led lighting on the bottom. I am also going to get a 12 volt compressor and a "train" horn. Do you think I should put a siren, and some strobe lights on it? In case I have to go out on an emergency?
  8. scorpion

    What is the difference?

    Thats the option I like! For the price of the DVR and the hard drive, I can keep the price the same but bump up from 80GB to a 500GB drive. I have never had this problem, but I was curious as to what others had experienced. Once I had a blown hard drive blown DVR and a blown 12 volt power supply. ?????? Florida flicker and flash strikes again.
  9. scorpion

    What is the difference?

    LOL Just pulling everyones legs. I pulled some Seagate drives out of the standalones that I had in stock and sent the info to sparks. The ones I had were 80GB so I dont think this was of any help to sparks since he was looking for 500GB. I purchase my own drives rather then pay through the nose from some distributors. My local computer store has the Western digital caviars. I order DVRs without hard drives and then I put in my own drive, and I am afraid some day a hard drive will fail destroying the stand alone DVR, and the distributor will claim AUTOMATIC VOID OF WARRANTY! Through another disrtibutor located in florida, they do not mark up the drives so expensively so I order the DVRs with the hard drives installed. My time is valuable and I just don't have the time to go and pick up drives, but I just cannot pay $400.00 for a drive either! I have never had it happen, but has anyone have a distributor void a warrany on a self installed drive?
  10. scorpion

    What is the difference?

    Well............ ok I tell you Rory by PM. But you have to promise not to share this info!
  11. scorpion

    I am Chinese

    How are you? I look forward to seeing you on the forum!
  12. scorpion

    What is the difference?

    Hey sparks I sent you a PM on some SEAGATE info. Hope this helps! scorpion
  13. scorpion

    Mosquito teenager deterrent

    Is it possible that the web site states that because of licensing issues? UK dist verses USA dist?
  14. scorpion

    My Birthday present.

    A bicycle bell on the right, a satellite radio on the left, and a PSP in the centerof the handle bar and I am set!
  15. scorpion

    eBay DVR's!!!Prices YOU WONT BELIEVE!!!

    I use the comet 4 all of the time. I like the nubix 4LT also. I just ordered this DVR from Sec Cam Dir. It is really cheap. It seemed ok when I benched it before the customer picked it up. I might start ordering more of these! PM me for details. Rory you might like this one.
  16. scorpion

    How do you pay your salesman ?

    I have given upgrades, or added an extra camera to my customer who recommends a customer who purchases products, or a system. I once had an opportunity to put in some cameras and a DVR for a subdivision for free. I had so many systems installed in the neighborhood and this was my way of saying thank you. I wish I had more opportunities like this!
  17. scorpion

    Video roll. Help needed

    I have a video roll in this camera. It is out of warranty. It is on several dealers catologs but I will use SCD as a source for you to see what camera I am talking about. CEC6001IR https://www.scdlink.com/Details.cfm?ProdID=1188&category=13 It must be a part that has ever so slightly gone out of tolerance. If I had a schematic I could fix it in 5 seconds flat. Anyone have documentation, or know which cap/resistor to replace? It has a good video. The camera appears to be scanning slowly down. It is not scanning, it is a downward vertical roll. This is on the bench, no wire/power issue. Thanks in advance.
  18. scorpion

    eBay DVR's!!!Prices YOU WONT BELIEVE!!!

    Good Job! Great find! My only concern would be if it was stolen equip. Other than that I commend you on buying it. I am always approached by people who need to rent a DVR for short term issues. I keep DVRs that came in on upgrade sells for emergencys. If I have a DVR issue it is nice to know I have one for back up. I once had a power supply go bad for a restaurant and had to butcher their power supply for the connector, and butcher mine for the working power supply. I was really glad on short notice that I could keep them going.
  19. scorpion

    Video roll. Help needed

    You are absolutly right. This is a customer who just bought this business. His video surveillance is a total mess as well. Layers of layers of different systems stacked atop of each other. I see warehouse cheap package stuff, and upgrades here, and self induced "shots in the foot" in other areas. He needs to do a total revamp from scratch. In this neighborhood he is going to need to hire off duty officers untill we can get this new package in. I am just trying to stick my fingers in the dike until we can get some "new concrete" poured. Mean while I laugh at how some of these cameras ended up being powered by 150mA power supplies. Oh boy this is going to be a fun one.
  20. I have a camera that has a slow vert roll. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=8729&sid=6dc82e8541ef5c00f610674b6f5df1ff Thanks
  21. I look forward to finding out the outcome. Keep me posted!
  22. scorpion

    board cameras

    Do you have a picture?
  23. scorpion

    Have you used this brand???????

    I sent you PM
  24. scorpion

    How do you pay your salesman ?

    $100 a week plus commision from sales. Paid vacation, and cell phone. Commision at 10% of gross.
  25. scorpion

    Anyone Installed GV-Wiegand Capture yet?

    I have the same question too 501. I look forward to someone that can help up!