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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. scorpion

    Distributors of DVR and Surveillance

    I would recomend AVTech and CPCam Products. I would also recommend Eclipse out of Miami http://eclipsecctv.com/CCTV_products.html I can send you CPCam DVRs.
  2. scorpion

    avtech 761 log file

    I would not reformat the hard drive.
  3. scorpion

    avtech 761 log file

    This is a wild guess. The power disruption may have caused a glitch and the DVR did not record. The next power outage may have powered down the DVR and allowed it to reboot correctly. Do they have a battery back up UPS? I would suggest they get one if they do not have one. Where security is of the essence then log in to the DVR on a daily basis and check the date time group. If it is correct then everything is working. If the date time group is off then this is a sign of a problem.
  4. scorpion

    What is wrong with my Avtech KPD674?

    If your computer is setup with other user accounts then right click the Explorer icon. You will see another Explorer icon. Right Click that one and click Run as Administrator. This way you do not have to switch to the Admin account
  5. scorpion

    What is wrong with my Avtech KPD674?

    What does this mean? You may have to right click the icon and use as administrator. Is this the issue? Are you getting an error code such as this? 0xc0000022 ? This would mean you need to be administrator.
  6. scorpion

    Add Microphone to outdoor cam

    You camera does not have audio, and you are adding an external microphone for audio recording. Run RG59 siamese wiring. More than likely your microphone will need 12 volt power to work. When using ETS, or Louroe microphones then run the wiring they specify. What you need to be aware of with recording is that you have a lot of outdoor noise. I do not know where you live and what kind of noise environment you have. If you are near a road where large dump trucks or 18 wheelers run, or if you live near an airport then you have to take this in to consideration. If you crank up the sensitivity then you will be listening to swishing leaves on trees, and birds chirping and such. You will want to have the microphone right where you want to listen. In other words you will not want the camera on a roof eave if you are listening to the area at the end of your driveway. http://www.rcfp.org/taping/
  7. Most cameras would use 12 volt DC, or 24 volt AC. I would run RG 59 Siamese wire. This will give you the a 18 gauge two conductor wire for the power.
  8. scorpion

    KPD674 motion mail problem

    This model is to new for me to give you any feedback. Mail attachments require JPEG. The unit does not use JPEG therefore that may explain why you are not getting attachments. You should get the alert that gives you link to the video if I am not mistaken.
  9. scorpion

    No HDD on AvTech DVR

    Does your DVR have a relay to contol power to the HDD?
  10. scorpion

    0xc0000022 KPD674

    0xc0000022 KPD674 Hello everyone. I am using Window 7 and IE8. I was using Video Viewer to remote view past history on a KPD674 and clicking on the film strip icon to record the video to my desk top computer. I can use the player with the computer in Admin user account, but not under another user account. I get this code: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000022). Click OK to close the application. What you will need to do is right click the icon and click Run as Administrator and enter the password. http://scorpiontheater.com/kpd674.aspx _____________________________________________ I click on the Video Player icon and I saw this error code. "The program can't start because AVC_AP_JPEG.dll is missing from your computer". I downloaded another Video Player designed for Video Server E MPEG4 DVR Video Player videoplayer_1142.zip http://www.cpcamglobal.com/support/software.htm This allowed me to view the video footage. I did a copy and paste of AVC_AP_JPEG.dll and AVC_AP_SCALE.dll into the Video Viewer that I was having problems with.
  11. scorpion

    0xc0000022 KPD674

  12. scorpion

    No HDD on AvTech DVR

    You can go to a computer store and ask for a laptop universal power supply. They come with multi tips. Select the one that matches your power jack. http://www.manhattan-products.com/en-US/products/7585-power-adapter
  13. scorpion


    AVC_AP_JPEG.dll I was using Window 7 IE8 and I was using only the Video Player to play back some remote video recorded using the film strip icon from a KPD 674. When I clicked on the Video Player icon this was the code that I received. AVC_AP_JPEG.dll I down loaded another Video Player designed for Video Server E. This allowed me to watch the remote recorded video. MPEG4 DVR Video Player ( videoplayer_1142.zip ) http://www.cpcamglobal.com/support/software.htm
  14. scorpion

    No HDD on AvTech DVR

    We would need to figure out a few things. Can you see camera video on your DVR monitor out? Can you change from cam 1 to cam 2 to quad screen? If yes then the mind of the DVR appears to be working. The hard drive may not be bad. It may not be getting power therfore it appears to be a bad hard drive. You will need to measure the voltage to the hard drive. You cannot just stick multi meter leads in to the hard drive power connector. It needs to be done while under load. Note that there may be a relay on the power wire to the hard drive. The DVR will boot up then trigger the relay to send power to the hard drive. It would be best to check the hard drive power wires with an oscilliscope to check for AC leakage. Based on the power level that you find that should tell you what you need to know about the hard drive status. Worse case is the chipset on the board that sends, and receives data to the hard drive could be bad.
  15. scorpion

    What is wrong with my Avtech KPD674?

  16. scorpion


    Too many variables. The fact that they can see video on a local LAN is good news. DVR works! Router works! Are they using a DNS, or do they have a static WAN IP Address? I would have them do an www.ipchicken.com to see what they have for a WAN IP Address (if it is not static). If you can see video through this IP address then everything checks out good. This must be a system that is using a DNS. Is the DNS set on the router, or is is some software that is on a local LAN PC? The software may not be updating on the router , or the PC and that may be what needs to have the trouble shoot. I would have them change the router, and setup all of the port forwards as a test. If they do not have the capability then bring your own router as a back up. If the DNS is set inside of the DVR then pull it from there and give the router the task of DNS. Those are some of my wild guesses!
  17. I would like to learn more about this behavior. Note: Check to see what the settings are for daylight savings time. There is a setting for keeping the time from a server. AVTech is located in Taiwan and China IP addressed would not be out of the norm if it was calling home to AVTech. What does trace route show?
  18. scorpion

    What is wrong with my Avtech KPD674?

    The error codes actually comes from the older IDE hard drive version DVRs. YYY=001- AV087.............................................Chip for ch 1-4 error YYY=002- AV087.............................................Chip for ch 5-8 error YYY=004- AV087.............................................Chip for ch 9-12 error YYY=008- AV087.............................................Chip for ch 13-16 error 4 channel DVRs will only have one chipset. The 16 channel DVR (AVC 787, CPD 507 for example) would have 4 chipsets. I just got my first CPD540A (KPD674). The DVR is set up in a covert situation. Today the DVR locked up while using the browser to review footage. It locked up around 430pm Eastern Time. The DVR continues to record video even though the browser is showing a still frame when it "locked up". Pressing the stop button should have brought it back to live viewing, but that failed. I tried changing the time with Video Viewer. This DVR appears to shut down, and turn back on with change with the time settings. Changing the time did not get the DVR to reboot. The DVR had to have the power removed, and restored in order to clear the "lock up". I verified video footage and it did keep on recording video. Nice!
  19. Hello everyone. I just got my first CPD 540A (KPD674). It appearts that I am having the exact same problems as the other posts in the DVR forum. I do not know about this version of the 4 channel DVR, but the 4 channel JPEG (IDE hard drive) and the MPEG (SATA hard drive) will work in a covert environment in the hot Florida attics with no problems. I have tried other DVRs in the heat, but they start beeping their heads off before I even get down the ladder from the attic, and the AVTech DVRs keep on humming. Remember that my use is for short term surveillance and is not a permanent installation. Any DVR in an environment above 75 degrees is having extra nails pounded in to its coffin! I would suggest putting a couple of pencils, or some kind of wooden strips between the equipment stacked above the DVR. You may end up melting some solder inside of a chipset. It will take a while for it to feel the effects, but you may want to add a fan just in case. The DVR being at the bottom of the stack keeps it from receiving heat from the bottom. The DVR that I just received is in a covert environment and I had to rip the piezo off the board for quiet power up. It locked up for no reason today at 430 pm eastern. The DVR continued to record even thought the browser, and Video Viewer showed the locked up timestamp and the video that was playing at the moment that it froze. Nice to know that the DVR was still recording. I do not know if that is related to firmware, or the independant operation. I also cannot play videoback from temp video. I stole the player from Video Server E and that had no effect. I am running MicroSoft Security Essentials. I have not removed it as of yet to test the player, but that is interesting that Avast would cause this kind of problem. Here is a page I made to start gathering info to help everyone. http://scorpiontheater.com/kpd674.aspx
  20. Hello everyone! I am looking for a remote IP power controller such as shutting down to reboot a router. What I want to do is control a relay remotely via IP through a browser. Any ideas? Thanks!
  21. Is the aver unit you speak of analog, or Hybrid? The cameras will need to be small for covert setup. How do you trigger the on off state of a relay with the Aver units? Is there a radio button or something that you select?
  22. Hello everyone. Looking for some ideas on a DVR. I want to remote view in on a DVR and control a relay from that remote location. We will control the relay and not using motion detection ect to alarm the DVR. I may end up using some IP device to change the relay "status", but I wanted to see if there was an all in one "box" / DVR that could perform this task. Thanks for your input!
  23. LOL! "Let me google that for you"!!! Google is your friend! You bastard! LOL! Too funny! Gee! Wish I had thought of that!
  24. scorpion

    Video Server E & Windows 7

    I just loaded Window 7 64 bit. I loaded video server S, Video server E, and video viewer with no problems Check for unsign active x on the security tab, and set it to prompt. I hope that is your problem.
  25. scorpion

    Beeping Avtech 760

    Remove your hard drive and see if your unit will work. If yes replace the hard drive if no then > Go to a computer store and ask for a universal power adapter (19volt). Find the tip that matches your DVR. If it works then it was just the external power supply. If it does not work, then you may have more problems then it may b worth fixing. Try a hardware reset