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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. scorpion

    AVC-760z --> No OverWrite mode?

    On the older 760 then that would be correct. On the newer ones that use Video Viewer instead of Video Server E then that option is not in the menu like you would expect.
  2. scorpion

    AVC-760z --> No OverWrite mode?

    I am waiting for the DVR that I have to get to the end of the hard drive, but it is a 500GB drive and we have some waiting to do! Has your DVR stopped recording because it has gone to the end of the hard drive?
  3. scorpion

    I should have said hello first

    I loved your DM manual on hard drives!! What other interesting manuals do you have?
  4. Beer? Someone said Beer? It's a deal! Come on down! You buy the Pizza too! How about the following items for a workshop? Fire Automatic pistols, and sniper rifles Axe Throwing Contest Unarmed and Escape Techniques How to conceal covert cameras, transmitting bugs, and listening devices Laser combat Evade and Escape techniques with a vehicle hand to hand techniques how to find covert cameras, transmitting bugs, and listening devices tandem parachute jumping key bumping lock picking bomb defusing (simulations) Photography course (camera surveillance) gps tracking class geo caching diversion safe class (teach various devices that conceal) disguise class (change clothes, reverseable shirts/jackets, hats, backpacks ect) os gas pepper spray class LOL! What has that got to do with Video Surveillance? I do not know, but it sure sounds like fun!
  5. Thank you for the manual! http://scorpiontheater.com/dm.aspx
  6. Survtech busted me out!!! Yea! Lets go to Scorpion's Workshop! Go back! Go back! It's a Gyp!! It's a sales pitch for AVTech Products!! Run! Run! Run for your lives!! Yea! That will make everyone want to come back next year!!! It is bad enough that I get every "long lost relative", and family members who stop in Florida to say hello, and then I become their "hotel, and hospitality servant" so that they can go to Disney World for a few days, and then I never hear from them until their next vacation! All I need now is to add everyone on this forum to that list and have them come in at random times of the year. That would really thrill my wife!! LOL! Come on in guys! My wife won't mind!! I am sure there is a group out there that would love to "come on down and meet the guys", and at the same time learn something new, such as maybe throw in some quick sell electronics to your showroom that you never thought of. Write off your trip, and bring the wife and kids, and go to Disney (Group Rate), and get to see the Behind the scenes of Disney! Most people do not know that Disney World is built on a second story, and that the first story is actually the "underground" or the basement of Disney. Due to our water Table we cannot have basements! Did you know that Disney World is the second story of a very large complex? Did you know that every night somewhere they are pulling up trees, and shrubs, and changing the hanging plants? Did you ever wonder why the plants are always in bloom no matter what time of year it is? Interesting. If you love Christmas lights, and animated lighting then Disney is the place to be at the end of Nov and the begining of Dec. It is amazing how many channels that are computer controlled, and how many lights are attached to these channels, and then the lights are synced to music! I ready for the season. How about you?
  7. I do not have a BlackBerry, but I am interested in your work! http://scorpiontheater.com/troubleshooting.aspx
  8. http://www.cctvco.com/CN100_Pelco_D_converter.html I am looking for a replacement for this device. Entry level pricing requested, and not the top of the line product. Thanks
  9. scorpion

    question about avtech software

    Hello todoenred! Can I borrow your DVRs IP address for testing? Is it in Frame or CIF? What model do you have? Thanks! I sent you a PM! Hello everyone else! I need an IP address to AVTech 8 channel DVR, and a 16 channel DVR for testing. I have not tested enough DVRs, but I might go out on a limb on this one. The DVRs may have (not confirmed) to be in the Frame mode, or the MPEG mode.
  10. True. People are going to spend money on their hotel room, food, and other expense. Then you have to have enough rooms rented to get a free banquet room, or you have to rent a banquet room. I wanted to "seed" the first one, and I wanted to make it an event every year. Those who want to go to a show would just go to the traditional shows. Who would just want to fly to Florida, stay in a hotel, and just meet the "guys" from the forum? We can do that at the big shows, but then again most of us may not have that kind of time. We would have to "do something" so that it could be written off of the taxes. Yes I know that one can travel and hand a brochure to someone and that qualifies for the tax write off, but then I want to have some fun! How about you?
  11. scorpion

    Hello from Chicago

    No? I do knot cee anything rong! This is how it is sapposed to be speled! LOL!
  12. scorpion

    camera enclosure? where to buy?

    If it is a board camera then can you use the project boxes they have at electronic stores such as Radio Shack? What about pvc pipes. Hey mommy why is that pipe bomb hanging on the ceiling? What do you think?
  13. scorpion

    Daycare indoor cameras

    If I was doing a site survey then I would say "wrong answer" to your request. I would recommend a mix, and match approach. I would use some one inch by one inch mini cameras. These are very, very inexpensive. You may be able to find them from a CCTV company for about $100.00 each. I would make you spend the most money on the front door camera, and the back door camera. IR is a must no matter how good your lighting is. I would anticipate the power going out, and I would expect you to have battery back up (UPS) for the cameras, and the DVR so that it will keep recording. It could also be a crook who turns off the power. You will get a shot of him with the DVR and the cameras still recording. I would use a covert camera that looks like motion detector in the area where you store food, or where you have a kitchen to serve lunch to the kids. You will be surprised at how much food "walks out the door". I would use a covert camera with the baby area to protect them. Do not worry about buying a bunch of cameras. What you do is buy the biggest DVR that you can afford! Buy a 16 Channel if you can. Buy at least one good outdoor camera for the parking lot, and buy one great camera for the front door, and one covert for the food area, and then use the mini cameras for here, and there. When you need more cameras then it is easy to add on as you allready have a 16 channel DVR. You can set this up to watch you DVR from home. You never know when staff does not show up, or they go home without warning. You would not know unless someone called. The reason why I want a great camera at the front door is that if you ever have a confrontation with a parent then you have a good "head and shoulders" to show to the police! What do you think?
  14. scorpion

    Happy to find you guys

    HOLA! http://scorpiontheater.com/configurando.aspx
  15. scorpion

    Loving the forum

    Hello! Welcome to the threads! See you on the forum!
  16. scorpion


    Hello! Welcome to the threads! See you on the forum!
  17. scorpion

    Hello from Chicago

    Hello! Welcome to the threads! See you on the forum!
  18. scorpion

    Hi Y'all from North Carolina!

    Hello! Welcome to the threads! See you on the forum!
  19. scorpion

    MAC O/S and DVR's remote view

    There are several DVRs that use Java instead of Active X. I can do it with AVtech DVRs, and Some DVRs can do it out of the box. http://scorpiontheater.com/javaapp.aspx Others will have to chime in with the DVRs that they are familiar with.
  20. Thank you Kiwi! The AVC 782 works with Video Server! It worked perfectly! The link is new, and I have not tested it. This is a rar file of the Video Viewer. If you have a problem give me a PM. http://scorpiontheater.com/nubix4st.aspx
  21. I have been experimenting with the Video Viewer (replacement Video Server E for newer DVRs) for the AVC 760A. It looks like it is possible to use the newer viewer, and connect to the older DVRS. I need to see which models work, and which do not. I need as many as I can get! This viewer has multiple DVR connections and yes it has the same small screen. There is a screen where you have an address book of DVRs. You can click on the first one, and then when it is loaded, then you can click on a second DVR, and it will connect! I think it can do up to 16 DVRs I connected to an unknown DVR model number. It was having issues, but it did connect, and I saw the quad screen camera videos. Although it kept showing "loading". It would not let me toggle from cam 1, 2, 3, or 4. I connected an AVC 761, and it loaded fine. It has tabs so that you can toggle back and forth. You can also set up a multi screen. I had a quad screen with DVR in number one slot with its quad screen, and in slot two I had the AVC 760A with it's quad screen. I was watching two 4 channel DVRs with 8 cameras on one screen. I love this feature! Here is where I need help. I need some DVR addresses, and the model type. I cannot use dyndns addresses as I can only doing numbered address at this point. Would you be kind to send me your ip address, and user name, and password? Please create a temp account so that you can delete it at a later time. Thank you for your help!
  22. Thank you Kiwi! The AVC 782 works with Video Server! It worked perfectly!
  23. It sounds more like you are testing your public IP address. If you are testing your IP address then you cannot do it locally. You will have to go to another computer located somewhere else. Techs carry laptops with cell enabled web access. I am not familiar with your DVR brand, but I have seen some cases where you use your DNS address and it works fine, and then there are cases where you use the DNS address, but you have to put your port number at the end of the DNS address such as mydvr@dnsaccount:5000 I am not sure which situation you are having but between our two posts that should cover all of the bases! Let us know how it works out!
  24. scorpion

    DS2 Hardrive upgade?

  25. scorpion

    AVC-760z --> No OverWrite mode?

    Video Viewer is the right software for your DVR. Video Server E will not work with your DVR. I have been expirimenting with the Video Viewer (replacement Video Server E for newer DVRs) for the AVC 760A. It looks like it is possible to use the newer viewer, and connect to the older model DVRS. This viewer has multiple DVR connections and yes it has the same small screen. There is a screen where you have an address book of DVRs. You can click on the first one, and then when it is loaded, then you can click on a second DVR, and it will connect! I think it can do up to four DVRs I connected to an unknown DVR model number. It was having issues, but it did connect, and I saw the quad screen camera videos. Although it kept showing "loading". It would not let me toggle from cam 1, 2, 3, or 4. I connected an AVC 760A, and it loaded fine. It has tabs so that you can toggle back and forth. You can also set up a multi screen. I had a quad screen with DVR in number one slot with its quad screen, and in slot two i had the AVC 760A with it's quad screen. I was watching two 4 channel DVRs with 8 cameras on one screen. I love this feature!