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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. scorpion

    Converter needed

    It is a real product! There lies the problem. Peek a Boo gets their products from Eclipse as well. Eclipse no longer carries this product. Yes I can call every Vendor who still has one in stock, but then what? I am trying to be proactive rather than reactive. I want to find a like product where I can replace it. Actually it is not for me. Another Dealer is asking, and I thought I would help him out.
  2. scorpion

    question about avtech software

    I have been expirimenting with the Video Viewer (replacement Video Server E for newer DVRs) for the AVC 760A. It looks like it is possible to use the newer viewer, and connect in on older DVRS. This viewer has multiple DVR connections and yes it has the same small screen. There is a screen where you have an address book of DVRs. You can click on the first one, and then when it is loaded, then you can click on a second DVR, and it will connect! I think it can do up to 16 four channel DVRs, or up to 256 cameras total. I connected to an unknown DVR model number. It was having issues, but it did connect, and I saw the quad screen camera videos. Although it kept showing "loading". It would not let me toggle from cam 1, 2, 3, or 4. I connected an AVC 761, and it loaded fine. It has tabs so that you can toggle back and forth. You can also set up a multi screen. I had a quad screen with DVR in number one slot with its quad screen, and in slot two i had the AVC 760A with it's quad screen. I was watching two 4 channel DVRs with 8 cameras on one screen. I can email you a copy. Do not put your email in this post as you will get spam. PM me your request. If you are new then just say so in a post and then I will PM you and then you can PM me back with your email. What do you think?
  3. Let me know if this is a solder in chip, or if it is in a removable socket SM5964 or SYNCMOS SM5964 I want to see if the chip can be burned with a firmware, and to see if it can be brought back to life. Probably will not work, but it is worth a try? What do you think? Thanks
  4. Try this: Go to tools>internet options> and delete temp internet files. This will allow you to download the active x. Allow it to run even if you get a warning: The Application's digital signature has an error or The digital signature was generated with a trusted certificate but has expired. Once you download the active x, and let it run then you should be able to see your DVR with a browser. This may, or maynot work. In one case I could not get the active x to come up with a 760. Let me know if this fixes your problem!
  5. On your PC you will have to go to internet options and delete temp internet files. This will allow you to reinstall the active x. Go ahead and let it run eventhough it is expired then you PC should be able to see video again. Please let me know if this fixed the problem for your PC
  6. scorpion

    help with home 6-8 channel DVR purchase

    Avoid 8 channel dvrs in this price range. You may get a DVR is this price range, but then you may have to buy a hard drive on top of this, and install it. If quality is not of the issue then this price range may be doable. Make sure the product has BNC connectors and not din connectors, or what looks like telephone connectors. Insist on BNC connectors as you will appreciate it down the road!
  7. scorpion

    AVC-760z --> No OverWrite mode?

    Do you use Video Server E, or do you use the new Video Server called video viewer. Where I am confused is that the AVC 760Z appears to be a plain jane AVC 760. Your video server sounds like the Video Viewer which means it is an AVC 760A / or an AVC 760AS. 1172-1012-1022-1018-M3-6C1B Well? This is newer then the example in the manual!!! 1160-1012-1021-1014-M3-6C1B I gave an email to someone, and I will let you know what I find out! Take care
  8. scorpion

    AVC-760z --> No OverWrite mode?

    I really do not know for sure. I am thinking that the DVR come allready set up in the overwrite mode. I do not know for sure, but I wonder if the overwrite option is for the download to a computer, and that file overwrites it self. Interesting? I know that the DVR ran for three weeks before I checked that option. With a hard drive the size of 500GB I could probably go almost a month before it would overwrite. I could uncheck this option and see how the DVR goes. I will give you an answer in a month!! LOL! If this overwrite function controls the dvr then once you set it then it should put the DVR in that "mode" all of the time, and not just when you are logged in.
  9. scorpion

    AVC-760z --> No OverWrite mode?

    I cannot remember whether the DVR is auto set for overwrite or not. The one that I worked with has a 500GB hard drive, and I have a while to wait to get to the end. The box in the record setting menu was unchecked when I first set it up, and I put a check in there. There is no option through the panel menu. Go to page 32, and 40 of your manual. You can download one here http://scorpiontheater.com/nubix4st.aspx GENERAL AP OPERATION RECORD SETTING PAGE Box with Hard Disk Overwrite is on the top left hand side of this page. You will know you are on the right page when you see the days of the week Sun - Sat, and you see a time line.
  10. scorpion

    Require noisy cctv footages

    The below addresses can be put in to your browser and a screen will come up: Any Time & Any Where Place the user, and password in and you can see live video. Press box number 1. This will give you camera 1 by itself rather than the multi camera boxes. I do not know how you would capture this video for yourself in the raw. If you wanted to download the video and then convert it to AVI then go to http://scorpiontheater.com/cpcamtechsupport.aspx scroll to about half way down the page and down load Video Server E At the top of the screen you download a manual for the AVC 760. This will give you the instructions on how to use the Video Server E, and how to convert to AVI. The video converted to AVI can be played in most viewers. How to install Video Sever E from the internet http://scorpiontheater.com/installserver.aspx Here are two DVRs that you can view. (For you hackers the IP address are recorded so be careful)! http://mgm.dvrdns.org:5000 guest 1111 _____________________________________________________________ http://dsshost.dyndns.org:4040/ admin admin Note to Cell phone users. These will work with supervisor if you want to test you phone
  11. I was going to sponsor it out of pocket, but then the economy hit bottom, both the market, and my wallet. I will have to lick my wounds a bit, and get caught back up, and then start the process all over again.
  12. Those are retail prices, and not wholesale prices. You should buy wholesale if you are an installer!! For those prices you may as well go and buy some inexpensive bullet camera at wholesale prices, and just mount them. It will look realistic!
  13. scorpion

    Avtech 4ch DVR Bios Help please

    I would just send you everything I have, and then I would have your burn one of each, and then you can swap it out until it works, and then you can swap it out to see which ones work, and which ones do not. There is one firmware that does not have a file in it, and another one that does has an extra file in it. The one that you may have is the one missing this file. There are several sites that has this firmware, and it has been removed from most of them. I can send you the one with the extra file in it. You can email me a sales@scorpiontheater, and then I can email them to you. Ask your guy how much it would cost to burn, and earn a profit, and mail me some of those chips. I would like to test one with you first, then test one with a guy that also came to this forum with the same problem, and then we can start the ball rolling from there. What do you think??
  14. I have a tech support request from an old customer. They have an ATT modem, Zonet ZFS 3016, and an old Orbix DVR (Securpoint / Argus ). They recently changed from ATT to Cable Broadband modem. All of the computers are working online. The DVR cannot be seen locally. I was driving by the place, and I pulled in to do a quick check as I was in route to another appointment. I did an IP config, and I was surprised to see the modem IP address and a road runner dns. It is if the modem is being passed right through the Zonet. OK? What kind of situation do I have here? I tried various keyword Google searches, and I was unable to find a manual for the ZFS 3016. I do not even know what the 3016's default IP address is. Does anyone have a manual? Does anyone know the default IP address to get inside? Your help would be greatly appreciated. I have left an email with Zonet, but I do not know when they will respond. Thanks in advance
  15. How to network AVTech DVRs http://scorpiontheater.com/videonetworkingwithavtech.aspx Various bits of info, and learning links http://scorpiontheater.com/links.aspx How to download Video Server E from the internet http://scorpiontheater.com/installserver.aspx URL not found on this server http://scorpiontheater.com/url.aspx For those of you who have not used an AVTech DVR in some time, and you have just repurchased one, and you cannot connect using the browswer then go to tools>internet options>and delete temp internet files. Bring up a new browwer and connect to your DVR, and this will give you the active X prompt. Run this active X, and you should see your DVR on the Browser. There are some models that this will not work with. The certificate was valid at one time, and it may have expired. You cannot connect without the active X. When the active X comes up with the expired certificate you will get a warning. This is ok allow it to run anyways. _____________________________________________________________ If you are highly aware of the menus of your router then it is easy. You need to open the ports of your DVR (default is 80) on the router. If you do not know anything about networking, or about the Linksys router then here are some screen shots. This is a random google search link that I found some time ago, and I am not affiliated with the site. http://www.thinkbroadband.com/hardware/reviews/2004/q4/linksys-wag-54g.html Set your wireless portion with WEP or higher. WEP only requires a 10 digit code. Do not use your telephone number as it is 10 digits it is known by drive by people who need an internet connection they can find you in the phone book if they can see your wireless connection, and punch in your phone number and use your internet connection. 90% are salespeople trying to connect to send reports back to the office, and the others are kids who cannot afford an internet connection. It could be that a porno creep could use your connection to download porno, or worse kiddie porn. It is not that you want to block people. It is that they do not have the right to hog your bandwith! For those of you who would like more info then here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linksys Once you have the router setup then you will have to decide do you have a static IP, or a dynamic IP. You will automatically have a DHCP, or dynamic IP. You can pay extra for a static IP. In a residential environment they will bump you up to a "business class", or "commercial account" or what ever they call it. If you have a business then you may allready have a static IP and all you have to do is ask what the info is Static IP gateway subnet mask and dns (they may give you two dns numbers) If you have a static ip then you will use this IP address to see your DVR. Your DVR will have the (note ATT users it may have to be a You will use the static IP to get to your DVR. If you have DHCP then your address is going to change from time to time at random and at this point when it changes you will no longer be able to see you DVR. Here is the work around go to www.dyndns.com (or there are others to choose from) and set up an account. The first one is free, and more will cost you. You will use "yourdvr@dyndns.com" as your DVR IP address. Note that you will have to select a drop down box to choose @dyndns.com as there are funny ones to choose from like yourdvr@noneofyourbusiness.com. Now you connect with "yourdvr@dyndns.com" this will reroute you back to your DVR, and they will keep track of your changing IP address. This is the only time a computer is required to be on site with a DVR. If you do not want a computer on site with a DVR such as covert ops then you will need a static IP, or a EDVO router. If you want to know what your IP address then use this, and it will show you. www.ipchicken.com This will show you your IP address, and you can use this to test your DVR connection until you get a dyndns account. NOTE: You cannot check your outside connection from your computer. You have to have someone else come in to check it. Installers have to bring a cellular connect internet laptop, or they have to call back to the office, and have them connect in to check it. When using a browser some DVRs work with the "yourdvr@dyndns.com" and others will require you to put in the address bar "yourdver@dyndns.com:80. Home Networking Basics: http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Content_C1&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1114037291160&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper Tech Support: http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Content_C1&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1114037290855&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper Products http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C1&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1115416939789&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper&lid=3978991233B01 Linksys EVDO Forum: http://www.evdoforums.com/forum-21.html _____________________________________________________________ Netgear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netgear http://www.netgear.com/Products/RoutersandGateways.aspx?for=Home+Networking http://www.netgear.com/Products/Switches/DesktopSwitches/FS108P.aspx http://www.netgear.com/Products/APsWirelessControllers/AccessPoints/WG102.aspx Support: http://kbserver.netgear.com/main.asp Networking: http://www.netgear.com/Solutions/HomeNetworking.aspx Trouble Shooting: http://kbserver.netgear.com/kb_web_files/n101209.asp _____________________________________________________________ DLink: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dlink http://www.dlink.com/ Products: http://www.dlink.com/products/category.asp Tech Support: http://support.dlink.com/chooseCountry.asp Dlink EVDO: http://www.dlink.com/products/?model=DIR-450 How is this info?? What do you think?
  16. scorpion

    Avtech 4ch DVR Bios Help please

    I did not mean to sound as if I was coming down on you. I apologize. Your post is a damn good post! Your post is going to create a number 1 google search link. I put the info in there more for others who come across this post. It just rattles my cage that there are people like you who have a problem that could be solved, but I am just a little business on the block, and I do not have the resources to do so. For the cost of these machines I doubt that I could get a band of owners to chip in say $100.00 and buy burner, and try to resolve the problem. What do you think?
  17. scorpion

    Avtech 4ch DVR Bios Help please

    I was curious. Why were you trying to change the firmware??? What problem were you having? This has been an ongoing problem for a very few select individuals. I used to post all of the firmware on my website. There would be one per year of this kind of problem, but in this year it has escalated to a point that I would rather pull the firmware, and leave all of the DIY high, and dry. Everyone is trying to contact AVTech with their individual problems, and they feel that they are not being contacted back. The reason is that the vendor who buys from AVTech is the sole owner of the Techsupport for resale. There are those who do, and there are those who do not. When your car does not start do you call detroit, and ask to talk to Ford, or Cheverolet? No you contact your local dealer, or a local mechanic. The mechanics do not work for a manufacture, as they only service the vehicle of their choosing. Do not take it personally if AVTech does not respond as they cannot take in a million calls / emails a day, and respond to them. Perhaps they should have a system where the vendors are punished for not providing tech support, and AVTech should raise the wholesale price to take the profit away from the "bad" vendor. I am always telling others that they need to take it back to who sold it to them. I always find that they bought off of a disreputable sellar, and I hate to be the one that told them "I told you so". If you buy it used, or off of EBAY then one cannot compain too much. I have found that in 90% of the cases people really do not need to update the firmware. If it is working then why update it other than the manual tells you so. Most problems are unrelated to the firmware. Hardware Resets solve most issues, and Factory Default solve the other problems. This leaves the kind of problems that are created due to a custom one up application that an individual is trying, and they do not want to paysome one to create the software that they wish to have, and they try to do some "easy way out" solution that just is not going to work no matter what they are trying to do. Language firmware would be that exception, but if you buy from a Chinese Source, then you should expect a chinese menu. I would love to figure out the main cause of this situation. I do not have the funds to hire someone to resolve this issue as I am only a local dealer, and not some multistate conglomerate. Anyone have an Sync MOS burner? How much would you charge me to burn some SM5964? How would I dissimemnate these chips? I cannot buy every "bricked" DVR should there be an error in the firmware verses mainboard version. Add in the new AVC 760 A / AS and things will really get confusing then! I am interested in a solution! Who can I depend on?
  18. scorpion

    DVR does not work on lan. Zonet ZFS3016

    They were having troubles of some sort prior to them calling me. They took the computers off of static ip (lan) and switched to automatic ip. When I did an IP config on the computer that they mostly view the cameras it gave me the outside IP address and info, and verified with IP chicken. Ok! If I take off the broadband modem, and replace it with the ATT modem then it would go back to the way it was? Would this be right? I could not find a reset button on the back/bottom/front. This is not my issue as I am not the networking guy that they use. They just called me because the only problem they had was the DVR. I have not done it, but I know for a fact that if I stuff a Netgear router it the Zonet's place then I will get the 192.168.0.XXX addressing, and then I can put the computers back to static, and then the DVR will be viewable over the lan, and if I punch the port then it should be viewable from the Wan. I am just taking this opportunity to learn from the situation. I am not a computer guy, and I am not an IT guy. I was just hoping that I solved a tricky AVTech problem for an IT guy, and they would come to my rescue unlike RickA who PMs with snide remarks to my computer stupidity, and how I am such a network dummy. How can I call myself a CCTV guy when I cannot solve a simple problem with a switch / router situation. Cheez RickA! I get the hint! Wow! You are tough! I am an attic rat, not an airconditioning sucking, chairborne IT Ranger! (Secretly during the summertime I wish I was one. Maybe someday when I grow up)! OK! I lied! RickA never PM me with that message, but I bet he was thinking it!! LOL!
  19. scorpion

    DVR does not work on lan. Zonet ZFS3016

    That is why I was looking for a manual for this. Why would everything work one day then crash with a change of an internet provider? I need to get all of the computers back to a Lan static so that I can put the DVR back to a lan static. I do not know what chages came about that they can no longer see the DVR on the lan. I can throw in a router if need be. Now I am just on a "mission" to figure out why in case I have another customer that has the same fate. Thanks for you input!
  20. Help please! The thread is over at Networking. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=14674 Thanks in advance!
  21. scorpion

    DVR AVC- 787

    In some cases you may need to add your port number to your url or IP address I found a thread from some time ago. It had an interesting tip. Delete Temporary Internet Files. What has happened is that you denied an Active X to Run. By deleting the Temp Int Files you can then reallow the Active X to run. Part of the problem I believe is because they are unsigned. _____________________________________________________________ This solved the problem with one DVR (online unknow model), and I was able to get it to work. I could not get it to work with a local machine AVC 761. I could not get the Active x to display in my yellow bar so that I could "allow" it to run. So one level is solved, and now to take it to the next level!
  22. scorpion

    Someone else looking at my cameras??

    There are some DVRs that allow you to check to see who uses the remote viewing. It may be called view log, or remote view log. What you do is give each authorized employee, friend or what have you different numbers, or passwords. When you check the remote log in it will tell you the date time, and user! AVTech DVRs have this feature. As said before take your defaults off, and put in a password. _____________________________________________________________ I tell this to all of my customers. Do not trust anyone, and that is to include me! I show everyone how to change the password. I want them to change it one week after the install (so that I can still get in for tech support) so that it locks everyone out! Do you know how many DVRs I have come acrossed on this forum where they are still at default of admin, and admin??!! Do you know how many company demos I have come across with supervisor rights to the demo user password?? Yikes!! I could go it and change the password, and ask for $100 to allow them back in (unless they know how to do a hardware reset). I could also change the IP address and take them off line. And really, really bad is to turn the DVRs recording settings to off, and then break in. I would not worry about some "hacker" / "script kiddie" trying to hack in. I would worry if you owned a jewelry store, or a bank, or other places with large amounts of cash. I would not worry to much about it in a residential environment. First they would have to figure out your IP address (lock down with at least a WEP on your wireless connection), and then they would have to guess your user password. For what? To watch your dog roam around your pool patio?? If you have a million dollars under your mattress then send me your user password!! LOL!
  23. scorpion

    DVR is stuck

    You have an AVTech AVC 776. I like this DVR as is easy to setup, and they run forever. Question: Did you have it plugged in to line filtration, (not surge suppresion)? Dvrs require line conditioning, and this might be the start of the problems. I am going out on a limb here as I cannot see the DVR in my hands. It is not the hard drive as it will continue to operate although it would not record. The lights all on is a sign that it is locked up. If you have pulled the cord to the DVR, and then replugged it back in then this would normally take care of this problem. You have a blown power supply if the above does not fix it. Lets hope that the problem is in the power adapter. It is a 12 volt 3 amp, and a 5 volt 6 amp power supply. You can use another DVR power supply that has those voltages, but you will have to cut off your cord end (DVR end), and attach this to the new power cord. Here is an AVTech power supply http://www.weclonline.com/tchi/productdetail.asp?id=50122822 Have you tried a hardware reset? http://scorpiontheater.com/reset.aspx
  24. What is unshielded Copper Coax? If there is not shield then what is the grounding wire of that circuit?