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Everything posted by ShaileshPrasata

  1. ShaileshPrasata

    CCTV for home

    Nowadays security system are using very excessively just because for the security purpose and it is very good to use and we have to use CCTV cameras for every security. In-fact I would like to recommend to use those CCTV cameras which have latest features.
  2. ShaileshPrasata

    Looking for a basic CCTV system

    If I am not wrong you are looking for installation instruction of basic CCTV system. In-fact the installation instruction vary from device to device. Each device has their own way to install it. So it is good to consult with those firm who do provide this kind of service, they will easily guide you as per security system you are using.
  3. ShaileshPrasata

    My Security System

    The security system you have is really good just because of the security system you have is embedded with latest features.
  4. ShaileshPrasata

    Camera with autofocus output

    One thing is sure, every problem has a solution. So we need to find that resource though which we get an appropriate solution, the resource which I have mentioned in my description is simply a word but it means a lot. Everybody try to find those resource as per their need but most of the time they fails to find those resource at suitable time, but in your case the things are totally different because you have chosen then right platform for finding things here you get appropriate information in a suitable manner for which you are seeking.
  5. ShaileshPrasata

    Camera Reccomendations

    Yes, it is quite essential to choose the best security camera for security. Mainly camera are used for security purpose only. I would like to recommend the latest camera which are in the market because those cameras are fully loaded with latest technology. So it is quite good to select those security camera and make sure that the camera should be branded one.