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  1. idnob

    General reliability

    Thank you very much for the help. Sorry but I don't have many details about the cameras or the technical setup. My IT dept. monitors the network and they told me that 99% of the time is an hardware issue since the net parameters work just fine. The cameras are watched remotely from the security central unit. It happens only to some (26/400) cameras not all of them (would be the apocalypse).' I was just wondering if it's normal for a camera to have an outage weekly or once mounted usually it stay up until the end of life (until disconnected) and why they have these outages. I know I'm vague but I'm not much into the topic.
  2. idnob

    General reliability

    Hi all, I had some people install cameras on one of the buildings in the company I work for. Sometimes happens that this cameras are down, they just crash. How can I identify if the reason of the crash is the network or the camera itself? Thanks in advance!
  3. idnob


    Hi all! I am involved for working reason into the Video security world, I have some doubts that are looking for answers, hope this is the right place!