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Everything posted by securetech94

  1. The DVR was running with no problem. and the cameras were looking perfect. I don't know if someone clicked a wrong button and now all the cameras on the DVR show B/W. Any settings I have to change!? or is damaged?
  2. I installed this new DVR and I did basically everything i know, from opening the ports, to creating a DNS. Looks like when I enter the DNS or public IP from an external network, it DOES give me access to the LOG-IN page to enter the username and password of the DVR. But It doesn't give me complete access after that. When I click LOG-IN, it tells me (Fail to Connect) If I'm in the internal network and enter the actual dvr's IP:Port, Works Perfect. PLEASE HELP!
  3. I have the Xfinity Arris TG852G 3.0. and I'm having trouble opening ports for my DVRs. When I go to the Admin tool ( and click to ADD SERVICE and input all the DVR info with the ports needed; when I click SAVE, It wouldn't let me proceed because it doesn't let me Port Forward a device until is listed under connected devices. For some reason it doesn't show on the Connected devises even though is connected with a ethernet cable straight to the modem/router. When I click SAVE it gives me a Alert Code: Server IP addr is not in valid range: 10.0.0.[2~254]
  4. securetech94

    Port Forward a security DVR with new xfinity

    You're totally right. I wish I would think a little better next time. Thanks!!