Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me...
I got a windows computer that already has geovision card and software in it. I had a couple security cameras at home so I hooked them up to the card. There were 10 cameras turned on when I got it and it had this infernal constant beeping which I thought was an unrelated mother board issue.
I read the manual and found that it was because of the lost video feeds. Fair enough, I went into Configure >General Settings > Camera/Audio Install > Camera/Audio Install and clicked a button that reads "Activate" in a box that reads CCTV Camera. There I found a dropdown of 16 checkboxes. I unchecked 3-10 and the beeping stopped and the boxes that previously read "Video Lost" now had the GeoVision logo on them.
Time passed and I bought a zosi cheap outdoor camera from amazon. I went to make it channel 3, reversed what I did before, found the checkbox and clicked #3 back on. When that was done, I could only see the original two camera feeds. I restarted geovision, same. I rebooted the computer, same. If I unplug the camera, I get the infernal beeping again. I then tried a different channel, 7, same behavior. Then I went back to three, but swapped 2 and 3. Now I can see the new feed in 2, and the feed from 2 is now gone.
If I go to Configure > A/V Setting > Video Attributes > Advanced and drop the top dropdown to 1,2 and 3, I see a beautiful camera feed in each channel - no problems.
If I use the web interface, I see all three, no problems.
Did I miss a step or is there something special I need to do to get more cameras to show up again? I noticed one time a while ago that the software seems to be able to be downloaded and used for free... did I see that right too? should I just remove and reinstall?
Thanks anyone!