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Everything posted by ArcAngel

  1. Thanks, I will be looking into those manufacturers. And as I said, That is why I came to this site, To ask people who actually know about these things, Instead of just some random reviewers.
  2. Hi everyone, I could use some help. I want to know a few things and I saw that most of you here know what you are talking about, So I wanted to join so I could ask some pro's about this. #1: I would like to outfit my home in some IP cameras.. I would need about 8-12 of them, Which ones would be best to use? I want them to be HD, Atleast 30Fps, Have good sound to be able to hear what is going on in the room(I don't need one that is 2 way, Just one that has a good mic). Price wise, Probably around $4k for the complete set-up would be at my limit. #2: I would like them to be set-up through a router without the need for a computer to be hooked up to them if possible. Any suggestions on that? #3: I would like to have them set-up on a website so that anyone can view them, Not just me, But anyone who goes to the site. These will be on for a minimum of 1 year at all times, Possibly being watched by thousands of people at once. Can this be done? #4: I have no knowledge of HTML or any kind of coding what-so-ever, Could I have someone build a site for me that could handle all of this? Thanks for any and all help you can give.
  3. No ill will intended from me either, As I said I was not trying to be an a-hole. I also know about the bandwidth, I plan on going with the best internet package possible from my end as I know it would be constantly uploading, And seeing what I can find as to what would be the best server side for the website.
  4. I was asking for suggestions on camera equipment that people have used before that are good quality and dependable.. I am not asking anyone to do anything for me, I was asking for advice, From professionals who work with this kind of equipment on a regular basis instead of going from reviews from random websites. i have been searching the internet for these things, But I mostly get things like "This camera is great!" followed by another review that says "This thing is the biggest POS I have ever used!" So I am asking for help on what would be a good setup for my use that you guys have used. Nobody is born knowing how to do anything, That is why we ask others to help so we can learn how to do them ourselves, That is what I am doing here. I am not expecting anybody to do everything for me, I just need help on stuff that I don't know about. I have seen the camera kits that are out there, And I am pretty sure that I can do that work myself. I have installed a IP camera before, Was not hard at all, Had it running perfectly in just a few minutes. Just need some advice as to which ones to get and which ones to avoid. And as far as the website, I planned to have a professional build it for me, The $4k price was only for camera equipment.
  5. It's already been done... It's called Big Brother. That's not a very helpful answer... This is serious, Not some stupid "Reality" TV show... Not trying to be an a-hole or anything, I just want some serious answers as to if this could be done by a person, Not some multi-billion dollar company.