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Everything posted by dbug

  1. Hi I was using the Medusa app for my Qvis 960H system but since updating to IOS 11 its now not supported. I am also looking for advice on what app i should be using for remote viewing
  2. just purchased a qvis 005 setup with 2 x 960h cameras Live in a 2 story house and the dvr will sit upstairs relatively close to the 2 cameras. Cables will run through the loft so no problems. One issue is that the router is in downstairs cupboard and I don't want to move it. Is a simple solution to use Powerline adapters to get a wireless signal to the dvr? Thanks
  3. Thanks Tom, I got the bt 500mini units as I thought they would talk to the homehub 5 without any issues. Managed to get the whole system going without any problems. Using the app on phone and tablet works well. Now just need to work out how to install everything nice and tidy!