I have scz-3430n samsung cctv camera ,
is that on the market any better camera than this i can look for ?
I need more optical zoom this one is 43 x wdr zoom camera.
I also have some problem with the camera as is only black and white ,
and when i connect it to dvr 3/4 picture is ok but 1/4 is flashing picture
from the other cameras from the dvr
and it is only flashing when i connect this camera , others have no issue .
I change ports and cables and nothing better .
I am happy from the soft of dvr EDRHD4H4 , is dvd record and have internal
psu , and it work on 4 hd-sdi and 4 analogue cameras making 8 channels.
I am looking for similar or better dvr for more than 8 channels similar or better quality .
1 have you any idea of better zoom camera color at night and more zoom ?
2 is the camera samsung scz-3430n faulty?
3 better dvr than this what I have already ? EDRHD4H4