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Everything posted by drin82

  1. drin82

    No video in IE activex with DVR

    Thanks Hazed6809. This suggestion worked for me, however instead of firefox I used IE TABS extension for chrome. I also had to change IE TABS options to use IE 8 Forced Standards Mode. For background, I have a Zmodo DVR trying to access the webclient on a Windows 8/Internet Explorer 11 machine. I had changed security settings to allow for unsigned ActiveX control to download etc., added the page to compatibility view, launched IE from Program Files x86\Internet Explorer folder as administrator so it would use 32 bit version of IE, confirmed that RSVideo.ocx ActiveX add on was installed and loaded, and registering the .ocx by using regsvr32. All this would got me to a point where i could see the login page for the DVR but when i put in my password and hit login button it would just sit there. I read somewhere about entering developer mode using F12 and setting it to IE 8. Doing this did seem to activate the Login button but it would immediately crash the browser. Thanks again Hazed6809 - your suggestion forces IE 8 but it doesn't crash and logs me in properly to see the video streams properly.