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Everything posted by mr.surveillance

  1. mr.surveillance

    Next steps in new business

    I'm in the USA and 12 v cameras are good for most short to moderate cable runs. I like to run seperate cube supplies to each camera, (in the past I've had multi-camera supplies fail knocking out all the cameras verses independent supplies and loosing only one camera). For short runs usually the plug and play cables are OK. For longer runs use siamese cable with 18/2 power. Also for longer runs 24 volt cameras will take a larger voltage drop and keep working. As far as camera running on power mains, ( I assume you mean off local power outlets ) I dont recommend it. Also for professional results connect the cameras and DVR to a UPS supply so that the system will be up if the power should go down. Figure what has given you the best results and stick with it! One way or another, You always pay for what you get.
  2. mr.surveillance

    Cable or RF?

    Many of the Chinese made transmitters refer to the power consumed by the unit and not the power output. The 1.2 gig 1 watt units have given me mixed results but will usually go 100 to 150' 2.4 gig band has everything on it: cheap wireless video, cordless phones and wireless internet. If there is any way for you to run cable do it that way its the most stable.
  3. I don't have any experience with this particular camera but have had the same problem with other ones. My solution: I put a round sticker over the lense area and used a spray bathroom window privacy frosting, (avalable at most hardware stores), then removed the sticker. This dissapated the IR more evenly, although it did cut down the distance.
  4. mr.surveillance

    ACD-1500 install

    MASS50 Did you get it up and running?
  5. mr.surveillance

    Avtech DVR, confused which hdd?

    As I recall, A few years ago they recommended Hitachi for a large HD because it consumed less power than the others and Maxtors were excluded because of excessive startup currents. Seagate makes Hard Drives designed for surveillance recorders. (The SV35 series) I personally have had the best luck with Seagate drives in DVR's. Compare the start and run currents of the drives before you decide. Your unit has a 19 volt power supply so the 5 & 12 vdc regulation for the drives must be inside the unit. (You might want to check them for heat before putting this unit in service) Good Luck
  6. mr.surveillance

    Help with a DVR

    I'm pretty sure this is an embedded system DVR. Have you checked the power supply voltages? Have you tried sawpping out the hard drive? (Any new or used IDE 7200 rpm HD should work) you may have to format it using the machines menu. On this type DVR it is usually the PS or HD. I have run into a few stand-alone machines that the processer has been shot and they seem to boot ok momentarily then just keep re-booting and freeze up. (I hope thats not the case as there seems to be little support for these machines) The PVDR-8300 is made by Human Security Inc. of Korea www dot human-security dot com (Replace the dots with periods) I hope this is of help to you.
  7. mr.surveillance


  8. mr.surveillance

    ACD-1500 install

    The switches are on the big board in the camera housing. The manual is here www dot cctvdealers dot com/customer/intsys/PDF/ACD-1500-LG27%20Manual dot pdf Replace the dots with periods... This is for the LG version. This unit communicates, Pelco D, Pelco P, Santachi, Hunda600 & Longcomity. Good Luck!
  9. If you have good cameras the only issue is to be sure the lighting is behind and not in front of the cameras. It will serve to enhance and also possibly keep the cameras in color mode.
  10. mr.surveillance

    Cheap Color Bullets - Buyer Beware

    Rory, What are the specs on the color bullets you need?
  11. A possibly related story; About five years ago I bought a bunch of B&W bullets in a closeout deal. I ran tests on them and when hit with bright light most would freeze up and the image would turn grey with no contrast. Disconnect and re-connect power and they would be ok. I would not sell these to my customers. An installer (from a neighboring town) contacted me and wanted some cheap cameras and I told him what I had and their problem. He bought all of them. In a later conversation he told me that he used them at drive throughs and the ones he had lockup problems with he installed a n.c. momentary switch in the power lead and told the customer to push the "reset" button if the picture was not good.
  12. If there are no switches on the camera try swapping one out with a like camera that you are not having problems with, if that solves the problem the camera is defective. I have had no name cameras lock up before giving the same results. Also have had simular problems with cameras not receiving enough power. Have you checked the voltage at the camera?
  13. mr.surveillance

    This criminal is screwed

    My compliments on your excellent camera view. The great detail; eye action and facial nodules which suggest long term substance abuse.
  14. mr.surveillance

    cctv problem help please

    Looks like AC hum to me! Are you using a 12 volt regulated supply? Most universal adaptors are un-regulated and at the 12 volt setting will put out as much as 21 volts unloaded and are poorly filtered. The inexpensive adjustable units will not work well with most cameras. I hope this helps...
  15. mr.surveillance

    Costco devices

    I have sold a few cameras to costco in the past. No they don"t use what they sell.
  16. mr.surveillance

    Mosquito teenager deterrent

    I don't think this is new technology. I used to sell a device called the sonic nauseator that worked but I don't see listed anymore. I have since built (from a kit) an inexpensive handheald device that seems to work on most teens and some adults. Amazing1 DOTCOM ultrasonic devices.
  17. mr.surveillance

    Why can't I read this license plate?

    I sucessfully use a bullet camera for daytime license plate use! mod. TC25 w/ 25mm lens rated 400tvl .5 lux. Good luck.
  18. mr.surveillance

    Free google wifi as mesh?

    There is a minor problem with the Google installation instructions. Run the cable under the seat as the cable is very uncomfortable to sit on.
  19. mr.surveillance

    Whats wrong with this video?

    When your camera blacks out there is hum in the video. Have you tried using a seperate isolated 12 volt regulated power supply? (not a switching supply, the type with a transformer) Have you tried a different type of camera? One of your video clips has the camera pointed at the sun, the camera doesnt like it and the image chip will be compromised. Resulting in degradation and possible damage to both the lens and camera. Another possibility. Are there any high power transmitters nearby? Have you tried using a ground loop isolator? A few years back I had a bad batch of cameras that did a similar thing but there were no hum bars. Good Luck!