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Everything posted by LucyLue2

  1. I just moved away from a similar problem, it's privacy invasion. The last group of perverts was lead by an X-military old bachelor who's mother called him an aH and it seems these new neighbors all know him and are committing the same to similar crimes, for fun. My cats, very sensitive creatures, scream as my ears ring and mental confusion,...sets in. The information they aquire and the damage they cause are all seemly related to ongoing injustice prevailing in these kalamazoo, MI courts costing my rights thus all my freedom and life as it should be. some neighbors hunh? and there's, I guess, since I have not been able to move away from them, quite a few bad ones here. I have been made electro sensitive due to all of their constant abuse but can not afford to many of the EMF blockers to survive them enough for them to not drastically adversely effect me. It's quite surprising just how much damage they have been allowed to cause. I am trapped in this area and kept poor from the lies prevailing in the courts and yes, it's about children and a college town cover up dating back to 1987. Any one with a clue what else I could do?
  2. LucyLue2

    bad neighbor privacy invasion

    I just tried to respond to the response and the entire message was deleted. I suppose I am not surprised at the response to my search, no one has been able to help in over 27 years. The use/abuse of technology is a sign of the times and the direction things are going. with every good invention, any good progress, there's the abuse of it. To not help to prepare for these inevidable abuses, to ignore the claims of abuse,..is doing just 1/2 the job of creating amazing new things. It means locks and discernment about whom one lets in the door does not matter. It means ones efforts make no difference and one may never be allowed to be all they can be because of progress in the hands of some total loser,...all of this empowering criminals and criminal behaviors. Over 25 years ago a ceramics prof. at WMU asked the class "is progress good?" I immediately said "yes", I was right but there was more to this answer, which I learned over the past 25 years or so, the problem is the abuse of progress and worse yet those who ignore this fact.