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Everything posted by nambi

  1. Thank You! the older software worked like a charm, and I was up and running in min. I spent hours on the news Software and was unsuccessful. Too bad they removed this feature. Not sure why.
  2. I have 6 cams, they all record to a PC using the hikvision storage server. now I want to use my andriod ap (ivsm4500) to see live footage and recorded video, but I can't configure this correctly. I'm confused I expected that my ap would contact my storage server PC and from there the ap would be redirected to see all 6 cams, but this doesn't work. I was suggested that my ap needs to go to my external ip my router then nats / forwards this to ONE cam, where i can live view only. if I want to add a second cam, (i have 6) i then need to add another entry same ip different port, and on my router I need to port forward this to the other cam, for live view only. This seems very cumbersome and not very practical, is this really how the system work, if I'm using a PC as an NVR? I also heard that their is discontinued PCNVR software that would do what i was hoping for, port forward to a computer which would allow my isvm4500 see all cams in 1 setup. anyone know this? thanks in advance