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Everything posted by collectors

  1. Hi, I'm after suggestions for an ip camera & lens. I recently upgraded my cctv system with new cameras & cat 6 cabling. One thing i wanted to do was put a camera on my gas meter that's in the loft/attic. "I now got to the age of not needing to climb up & down loft ladders" I tried a spare 2.8mm camera, but had to mount it to far away to be in focus that it was to small to read. Any ideas?? Pictures of what is being used below.
  2. Hi, hope you can help. i have a CCTV DVR which i would like to access remotely. I have registered with a DNSdynamic as i don't have a static IP address. Now this seems to be fine & i can get to my login page via this service for the CCTV DVR, but it wont except my user name & password for the DVR, but if i go to the DVR's IP localy address "IE: i can login ok. Any suggestions where i am going wrong?? Cheers PS, my router is a sky SR102