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  1. EDS_31

    remote access problems

    ok, I'll give that a try and let you know. i checked at home, connecting to the external IP address and it works just fine. I disconnected my modem to make sure it was not looping on my network and the streaming stopped, however, I shared my cellphone's internet and the problem came back. Same as my work computer. Port 8585 didn't work either. I'll try 8080 and let you guys know.
  2. EDS_31

    remote access problems

    Thanks for the help!!! I checked the port and it is not blocked by my ISP, I'll change the port to 8585 to see if there is any difference and I'll let you know. This is what I get when I access it on a remote network:
  3. EDS_31

    remote access problems

    UPDATE: If i connect to the dvr in my home network, it streams just fine, however, outside the network it wont. Ports 80 and 34567 have been forwarded already but still no luck. My DVR is one of those chinese brandless models. not sure at this point if its worth keeping it or if i should return it and get a better one but i want to give it a shot before getting rid of it. It all seems to be a port issue since it works fine on the network. I've tried already to search the issue on the forum but I've got no luck again, any help will be greatly appreciated.
  4. EDS_31

    remote access problems

    Not sure if that's the case, I cant stream it on my phone either when connected to my own network, the only way that I can make it work is using an app called XMEYE. The site is blocked on the network im on right now. I'll try my computer at home to see if it works then
  5. Hello folks I just purchased my first dvr camera set. I can't tell which brand or model is it but I have the firmware name that it uses: V4.02.R11.60426094.12000. I setted my port forwarding and I can access the server but it won't stream any video. It asked me to use quicktime so I downloaded it and installed it but it just stays at the quicktime logo and wont stream. Any help will be greatly appreciated