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  1. Hi, I have a video camera with a proprietary wide lens that I have changed to a 12 mm MP12 IR lens. This works perfectly in order to take pictures and videos with zoom, however, all pictures have a purple / red discoloration. The White Balance is totally off with this lens. I have tried to tweak the WB, however, the DVR attached to the camera is limited. As soon as there is a slight change in type of light, all colours turn out purple. The original lens is much more forgiving. The original proprietary mini lens has a reddish tint on the glass next to the sensor. This is not the case with my after-market lens. Is this reddish tint some sort of filter? If so, what type? I believe my 12 mm lens has an IR filter. I know the camera has nightmode as well. I'm at a total loss. Many thanks for any help.