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Everything posted by Sandgrounder

  1. Sandgrounder

    HELP! New system req

    My first post so here goes:- I am having trouble with a neighbour, cars scratched (3) and general nuisance. Unfortunately she looks like a nice little old lady, when really she is a neighbour from hell. So I want to install a cctv system to catch her in action during her nocturnal visits. It may take days or many months so I want to buy something rather than hire/rent. I am reasonably confident I can install a couple of cameras on the front of our house. I think I need 1 for the garden, obviously (aprox 10 yds from house to gate post) and another for a car parked on the street (30 yds away) poss a zoom lens? I think I preffer a DVR system rather than PC, so my question is is there a kit available 'off the shelf' that will do the job? I am hoping 3-£400 would buy something half decent, is that realistick? sorry if this is posted in the wrong place or if the question has been asked before.